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Pablo Fernández: “Only the vote for Podemos and Irene Montero ensures European funds against depopulation in Castilla-La Mancha”

Podemos has presented in Ciudad Real this last day of the campaign a European initiative against the exploitation of rare earth mining “in defense of water, land, health and the economy of the region.” At the event, Pablo Fernández, Secretary of Organization of Podemos and number two in the European Parliament, was accompanied by José Luis García Gascón, also a candidate and coordinator in Castilla-La Mancha.

García Gascón has presented the question that Podemos has asked the European Commission to act “if the regional government is failing to comply with environmental laws by admitting the rare earths project to processing again.” According to the regional candidate on Irene Montero’s list, “the PSOE and Page are wrong by resurrecting a project that was already overturned by social mobilization, the courts, reports on water, nuclear and environmental danger, and the work of Podemos in the regional courts ago. two legislatures.”

In this sense, José Luis García Gascón has expressed that “the two-party system gives our region to speculators who extract our resources, take our work and leave us a landfill”, therefore, he continued “we demonstrate once again that Podemos defends with facts the interests of the region, our water, our land, our economy and the health of the people.” “Voting Irene Montero is the only way to raise the transformative left, which always courageously takes the side of the people for a sustainable region with lively and healthy rural areas, an ecological, social and feminist Europe that is only possible with peace.”

A Europe of Peace to increase funds against depopulation

Pablo Fernández has highlighted “that only the vote for Podemos ensures that European funds reach Castilla-La Mancha to fight against depopulation because only Podemos guarantees a Europe of peace with social budgets in the face of the growing threat of war, budgets for weapons and the cuts in European funds for the people.” In this sense, he has emphasized that “we have reached the final stretch of the campaign and what is at stake this Sunday is peace or war. Podemos is the only party that is firmly betting on peace and deeply condemning what is happening in Palestine. From Podemos we want to put a transformative left on its feet. “We want to recover those European funds to invest in the region, in Castilla-La Mancha, to invest in the conventional train, in housing, to reduce rents.”

In relation to the impact of European funds to improve the region, he wanted to focus on the Podemos model on the CAP: “we are also committed to giving a radical turn to the Common Agricultural Policy, enough lobbying and speculation, the CAP must have an impact first and foremost. person and especially to small and medium-sized ranchers and farmers.”

“It is about building a more supportive Europe and ensuring that funds reach Castilla-La Mancha to reverse the problems that, apparently, the PSOE does not care about in the region, we must advance in rights, in structuring the territory, in advancing in “Europe so that Castilla-La Mancha is also a more prosperous and fair region.” In this sense, Pablo Fernández has focused on the initiative presented to “abort the rare earths project that the Page government seems to support, negatively affecting the Campo de Montiel region and therefore this region.”

The Podemos candidates have concluded by asking Podemos and Irene Montero to vote in these elections “as the best tool for the interests of Castilla-La Mancha, to raise the transformative left. In this sense, they have recalled that “we have a single constituency, all votes are worth the same, no vote is lost regardless of which municipality it comes from, but only the vote for Podemos ensures a Europe of peace, feminist, environmentalist, and that ensures with the public services”.

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