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What did he say about his wife Charlène of Monaco?

Prince Albert of Monaco has become news after the first preview of a new documentary came out, in which he made strong revelations about him and his family. While all this occurs amid rumors about the state of health of his wife, the Princess Charlene.

It will be the German television channel ZDF that will broadcast this new documentary, titled The children of the principality: splendor and drama, next August. Although the first preview of said production has already been released, which has caused a stir.

While in the trailer for this film, Alberto talks about what being the head of the Royal House of Monaco has meant to him. “It is not easy to face it. It is difficult to appear in public and give speeches. I had to learn at a very young age what was expected of me,” she says.

Alberto de Monaco spoke in the documentary about how difficult it was for him to assume the role of head of the Monegasque Royal House

Likewise, in the extensive interview that the husband of Charlene of Monaco has given for the documentary mentions that he wants his children, the twins Jacques and Gabriellegrow up just like he did with his parents, in a calm and normal environment.

“Our children are still very young and I want them to grow up as normally as possible. Just like my parents did with me and my brothers. When we were little, our family life was as normal as possible. “We spent as much time together as possible and enjoyed our privacy and family trips,” she noted.

What did Albert of Monaco say about Princess Charlène?

However, these statements by the head of the Grimaldi family They occur in a context where rumors about the health of Charlene from Monaco they haven’t stopped. And although in the preview of the documentary there is nothing that alludes to her, he previously made a confession about her wife.

For years there have been rumors of separation between Alberto and Charlène of Monaco

The princess is fine now“said the brother of Caroline of Monaco to the Paris Match. “But she was also very affected by me and saddened by certain things that came out in the media”, he indicated.

Even Prince Albert also told the aforementioned French media that Charlène has “resumed many activities, more public commitments, and everyone is delighted with it. “She also wants to get more involved.”

On the other hand, these statements contrast quite a bit with what the German press suggests since the media Bunte points out that since the princess recovered she has felt with a deep loneliness.

“She is surrounded by people, she has her own servants, and yet she often seems completely alone. Since she returned she has been largely protected. Her private Instagram account, in which she documented her stay in South Africa in 2021, is long gone and in the official Royal family usually alone plays a secondary role”says the aforementioned publication.

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