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Trump wants to save his arms: he promised that if he wins he will lower taxes

donald trump celebrated his 78th birthday promising that if he returns to power he will “more tax cuts”and assured that he will offer “tax relief for the middle class.” As is known, many of the polls show him as a favorite in the November elections, and despite his judicial problems, the former president has a busy agenda: In the last hours he was applauded by thousands of supporters at a convention center in West Palm Beach (Florida), where he stated that he will try to ensure that the tax reductions that he signed during his administration, which expire this year, “become permanent.”

Trump, who is immersed in a close rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden, also spoke of working to prevent new terrorist attacks on American soil, mentioning in this regard the arrest of Tajik citizens allegedly linked to ISIS.

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Under his administration, Trump slashed the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and implemented other tax breaks that expire next year.

“I want to make those cuts permanent, and then I’m going to reduce taxes even more,” Trump promised, without offering a plan to offset the potential drop in revenue. “I want to lower them even more, and especially for middle-income people.”

“We will throw everyone out”

Trump, who maintained a hard line on immigration As a centerpiece of his administration, he has also promised a broad crackdown on illegal immigrants if he is re-elected, while again lashing out at Biden’s efforts to stem the flow of immigrants crossing illegally into the United States.

Speaking about the recent arrests of eight people from Tajikistan in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia who, according to a person familiar with the investigation, had alleged ties to the extremist group ISIS, Trump stressed that “our country has never been in danger as it is now.” Without giving evidence, he stressed that “thousands of terrorists are entering the United States and our country is going to pay a very high price for many, many years.”

Biden toughened his approach to immigration as it emerged as a major policy vulnerability for him. Earlier this month he established a broad asylum ban on immigrants who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border. Congressional Republicans earlier this year rejected a bipartisan initiative to tighten immigration rules after Trump told them not to pass it and handed Biden a political victory.


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