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Happy Father’s Day to the entire fishing community

The port of Mar del Plata, on a cold but clean and autumnal morning in June, with its waves gently breaking against the pier and the boats rocking in the water, offers the perfect setting for a celebration as significant as Father’s Day. In this corner of the Atlantic, where the sea meets the land and the stories of generations are intertwined with the saline aroma, we pay tribute to those men who, with their dedication and love, have left an indelible mark on our lives.

Without a doubt, dock stories will always be very close to affections and emotions. Clash of souls in a reunion, long-suffering farewells and joyful good returns of those who were awaited with emotion from other times. Place of prayers for those who were perpetuated in its cold waters of the South Atlantic, in the line of duty or just another day of work, surprised by natural causes, storms and tempests. How many fathers, brothers, children and friends of the Mar del Plata fishing family present today on this symbolic and special Father’s Day.

Our recognition goes to all of them for having left their lives showing the path of work as the only path for something as noble as the sustenance of their families.

For many of us, the port of Mar del Plata is full of memories shared with our parents. The walks along the small and historic shoulder, with the sea wind caressing our faces, the deep conversations while we observe the horizon, and the life lessons learned between fishing nets and boats. Every corner of this place has a story, and many of them revolve around the father figure who has been our guide and protector.

On this Father’s Day, the aromas of the port and the noise of the seagulls transport us to those unforgettable moments. We fondly remember the walks on cold Saturday and Sunday mornings to see how they fixed the nets to start a new week of fishing, or just to see the return of boats that did not know how they returned before the immensity of the wild sea and sometimes treacherous, the excitement of watching the fishermen unload their catch of the day, combing each fish on the side of the boat as if it were a prize with the same eagerness and passion as at the beginning of the work day in the dark nights of Mar del Plata . Many times those fishermen, parents, explaining details of the job to tourists. The port is not only a physical place, it is a treasure chest of memories, a living testimony of the special bond between parents and children, but also between locals and visitors. School of many things, references under the same common denominator, the dignity of work.

Father’s Day in Mar del Plata not only celebrates the men who have raised us, but also those who have dedicated their lives to the sea. The fishermen, sailors and port workers, whose days begin before dawn and end long after dusk. Men whose strength and dedication are a reflection of the love they feel for their families and their community.

These fathers, although often absent due to long days at sea, carry with them the essence of fatherhood in every wave they ride. Their sacrifice and effort taught us valuable lessons about what we know today as resilience, hard work and the importance of moving forward, regardless of the storms that arise.

Today, as we gather to celebrate Father’s Day in the houses of the port of Mar del Plata, we not only share a meal or a gift, we share gratitude and love. This is a day to thank those men for their sacrifices, for their strong hugs, for their hard hands and muscular arms, but above all for their wise words that were the advice of life. A day to remember that, although time passes and circumstances change, a father’s love will always be a constant in our lives.

Walking through the port, we meet other families also celebrating their parents. Children’s laughter, admiring glances and warm hugs create an atmosphere of unity and affection. It is a reminder that parenthood is a shared experience, a bond that unites families in a fabric of love and respect.

Father’s Day in the port of Mar del Plata not only looks to the past, but also to the future. It is a time to reflect on the new generations of fathers, those who are learning to navigate the waters of parenthood with the same dedication and love as their predecessors. It is a day to inspire young people, to show them that being a parent is an adventure full of challenges and rewards, a journey worth undertaking with an open heart and willing hands.

On this Father’s Day, we honor all the men who, with their love and dedication, make the port of Mar del Plata a place of shared stories and dreams realized. We celebrate those parents who, like lighthouses in the night, guide us with their light, showing us the path to follow. Happy Father’s Day to all the men who are the anchor and sail in our lives, here in the port of Mar del Plata!


Pescare is the first news site dedicated to the fishing and naval industry of Mar del Plata. On its pages it is possible to find updated information at all times, port entries, business news and legislation, among other self-made content.

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