For LGTBQI+ Pride Day, the Xunta claims the right of all people to live in freedom

For LGTBQI+ Pride Day, the Xunta claims the right of all people to live in freedom
For LGTBQI+ Pride Day, the Xunta claims the right of all people to live in freedom

The Xunta de Galicia has claimed this Friday, International LGTBQI+ Pride Day, the right of all people to live in freedom “regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity”, and has promised to continue advancing on that “path” with “more resources and more visibility, awareness and sensitization actions.” This is what the Galician government has stated in its institutional statement on the occasion of Pride Day, a statement that was read this Friday by the general director of the Promotion of Equality, María Quintiana.

As he stressed, The Xunta highlights three “basic” but “transcendent” concepts on a daily basis, such as “rights, equality and respect for diversity” and, on the occasion of this June 28, he wanted to “claim the freedom of people regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.” “And, above all, the right to experience them in equal treatment and without discrimination,” underlines the institutional declaration.

In addition, states that, despite the many laws that recognize this equality as a fundamental legal principle, “the Xunta is aware of the need to continue working until society as a whole recognizes and fully respects diversity.” After highlighting the role of society, institutions and the associative movement in the advances of recent years, he stressed that “they will never be enough as long as the slightest discrimination and LGTBIphobic conduct remains.”

“More resources”

In the statement It is stressed that “Galicia will continue to be an open and welcoming community”which “embraces diversity” and is committed to continuing to work for equality. To this end, the Galician government promises “more resources and more actions to raise awareness and sensitize.” “Galicia is proud. Of all of us, without exception. Because if there is something that will make us live in a better Galicia, it will be respect and equality,” concludes the declaration.

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, together with the regional minister for Social Policy and Equality, Fabiola García, were present during the reading of this institutional statement. Previously, they participated in the inauguration of the exhibition ‘Galicia Orgullosa’, in the San Caetano building.

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