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A wildfire devastates thousands of hectares north of Los Angeles and causes the evacuation of 1,200 people

NEW YORK.- A massive wildfire in Los Angeles County, Californiaforced at least 1,200 people to evacuate. The flames have already devoured 44.51 square kilometers of land and currently They are only contained in 2%. Authorities are investigating the causes of the fire.

Strong winds fanned flames through dry brush in the mountains along Interstate 5 north of Los Angeles on Sunday, and authorities warned residents in the path of the conflagration to prepare in case it spreads again.

Firefighters work against the advance of the Post Fire on Sunday, June 16, 2024 in Gorman, California – Credits: @Eric Thayer

Firefighters working in sweltering conditions and steep terrain scrambled to put out secondary fires that broke out when unpredictable winds tossed embers, said Kenichi Haskett, section chief of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. The gusts also hampered the planes’ efforts to drop water and fire retardants, he said.

When it is windy, water is simply sprayed where we don’t need it. So that’s a challenge.”Haskett said.

The fire broke out Saturday afternoon near I-5 in Gorman, about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles. Two structures burned within the evacuated recreational area.

The fire has grown to 4,400 acres, with evacuation orders in effect for Gorman, Pyramid Lake and the Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area, according to the USDA Forest Service in the Los Padres National Forest – Credits : @DAVID SWANSON

Flames were moving toward Pyramid Lake, a popular water sports destination that was closed for Father’s Day. There were no houses at risk on Sunday and no injuriesbut authorities warned residents of Castaic, where about 19,000 people live, that they should prepare to evacuate in case the fire spreads south.

If you are in a warning area, prepare a travel bag, with clothing for the night, and your cell phone, medications, and glasses. Fill the car’s tank,” Haskett warned. “Be prepared to evacuate.”

The Post Fire burns through the Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area in Lebec, California, on June 16, 2024. – Credits: @DAVID SWANSON

Oscar Flores, 33, was driving an all-terrain vehicle with his 12-year-old son Saturday afternoon at Hungry Valley State Park south of Gorman when he saw smoke in the distance. “It seemed like it was doomsday. People quickly got in and got up, driving fast. The ranger said you have 10 minutes [para conseguir] everything you can pack,” he recalled Sunday to Los Angeles Times.

Forecasts indicate low humidity and gusts of around 80 km/h throughout the day, and winds could intensify as the sun sets, the National Weather Service office in Los Angeles warned.

About 75 miles to the east, the 2-square-mile Hesperia Fire forced road closures and prompted evacuation warnings after it broke out Saturday near mountain communities in San Bernardino County.

AP and ANSA Agency

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