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why it is commemorated every June 17

TO 202 years After his death, the figure of Martín Miguel de Güemes continues to be a source of admiration and respect in the history of Argentina and Latin America.

He played a crucial role in the struggles for independence in the provinces of Salta and Jujuy.

His life, marked by betrayal and constant struggle against royalist forces, ended tragically on June 7, 1821. However, his legacy endures and his memory continues to be relevant in the construction of Argentine national identity.

Martín Miguel de Güemes, hero of Argentine independence.

Who was Martín Miguel de Güemes

Güemes He was a prominent Argentine military man and politician, known for his crucial role in the War of Independence and the Argentine civil wars. Born in 1785 in Salta, he led the resistance against royalist forces in the north of the country.

He ruled Salta for six years. He was elected by popular assembly, showing significant support from the population. His outstanding bravery in the War of Independence and the Argentine civil wars ensured him a prominent place in history.

As essential collaborator of General San Martín In the emancipatory project, Güemes stood out for his innovative military strategies. His friendship with Manuel Belgranoevidenced by abundant correspondence, shows the deep respect and mutual affection between both leaders.

“Tall, thin and flexible, with a straight but not bulging face, and light eyes.”this is how Vicente Fidel López described him, based on what his father, Vicente López y Planes, told him.

How Güemes died

Martín Miguel de Güemes, ignoring rumors of an imminent attack, decided to remain in the city. Overnight, A group of royalists surprised him and wounded him with a gunshot.

Seriously wounded, he fled with his loyal gauchos towards the Horqueta ravine. After ten days of agony, exposed to the elements, died on a makeshift cot.

Why is June 17 a holiday in Argentina?

It is commemorated on June 17 Passage to the Immortality of General Martín Miguel de Güemesdeclared a national holiday since 2016.

On August 2, 2006, Law No. 26,125 was passed, which declares General Martín Miguel de Güemes as “National Hero”. This date celebrates the bravery and dedication of Güemes, who fought for the country’s independence.

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