Between Stripes: “LGBTIQA+ Pride in the land named after a poet: Nezahualcóyotl – Chronicle of the third LGBTIAQ+ march in Nezahualcoyotl” by That Boy is Ruperto

Text and photo: José Luis Ruperto (That Boy is Ruperto)

For the third consecutive year, the Coyote roundabout was the starting point for the Nezahualcoyotlense LGBTIQA+ march.

It is Saturday, June 22, 2024Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexicoone of the most densely populated places in the country located on the outskirts of CDMX.

Today will be its third LGBTIQA+ march for the impeccable grid-shaped urban layout that the municipality has and that distinguishes it from other Mexican municipalities. It is obvious that the gray color of the characteristic unflattened walls that predominate in the landscape is interrupted by the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet of the Elegebetera flags.

The event is headed by the municipal president Adolfo Cerqueda, Kenya Cuevas, renowned human rights activist and social media celebrity such as Wendy Guevara and Aimep3.

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Before the march starts, two young people “give” hugs and support to the LGBTIQA+ community.

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Although this is officially the third LGBTIQA+ march in the city of Neza, it is worth mentioning that in 2018 there was a group of people who went out to protest for the rights of sexual dissidents. Today the event is taking place in a big way.

The Coyote roundabout, the starting point of the march, is full of movement. In the adjacent median on Pantitlán Avenue there is a tent that offers shelter from inclement weather and entertaining shows. At 1:19 in the afternoon, Jesus is crowned king of the 2024 march, and Drag Kimera Queen, queen of the march, the applause does not wait.

The sound of the horns of the cars that travel along Pantitlan Avenue collides with the music that plays at full volume in the vehicles of the mobilization, there is bustle, there is expectation!

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Before the march began, participants were able to take shelter under a tent where various performances and the coronations of the queen and king took place.

In the median that on an everyday day is gray with a few trees, today there is a lot of color. In addition, there is a lot of art expressed in makeup, drag queen outfits, and sexual dissidence. There is no shortage of vintages, a hat for $80 or a bracelet for $30 to name a few prices.

It is barely possible to walk along the median strip. Some drivers who pass by roll down their windows to record with their cell phones (who knows for what purpose), others drive past and a few more cannot contain themselves from shouting insults.

At three in the afternoon the flag is raised for the march, and the vanguard immediately takes the avenue. Adolfo López Mateos (entrance artery to Neza). Wearing tennis shoes, jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, you can see Kenya Cuevas leading the demonstration, her gaze looks tenacious and her voice is heard.

The loudspeakers broadcast the message that the classification of transfemicides and the creation of a Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Sexual Diversity in the State of Mexico are being sought.

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Human rights activist Kenya Cuevas (green flag shirt), present in Nezahualcóyotl.

In front is the fight, and behind is a trail of hope, or at least that is the analogy I can make, after seeing a front with solemn slogans followed by cars with happy music and a party atmosphere. “The Lopez” Today she is dressed in rainbow and she looks pretty, people of all ages, of all sex-gender dissidence, Nezahualcoyotl residents or from other places walk under the same mantle, that of the LGBTIQA+ pride flag and some more of all dissidents, such as that of leather pride (leather subculture).

Nothing limited some protesters from going out to demand their rights.
Neza Aimep3’s influencer during the march.
There were entire families who walked next to the cars.

At 4:00 in the afternoon, the march reaches Chimalhuacán Avenue and takes the final stretch to reach the Municipal Palace. The sky is cloudy and heavy rain is approaching, but no one is letting their spirits down here.

Workers from some of the shops on the avenue come out to watch and applaud. One scene in particular caught my attention: some young dentists supporting the march from outside their dental office, wearing their medical pajamas and carrying the Pride flag in their hands.

On Chimalhuacán Avenue, near the Municipal Palace, some young dentists come out to support the mobilization.
The popular “combis” could not be missed in the march.

Around 4:30, with the rain already imminent, most of the vehicles have finished the route of the march. A large part of the participants take shelter under a tent placed on the esplanade of the Municipal Palace of Neza, they rest, wait for the concerts, and why not?, they have a beer.

After 5:00, Adoldofo Cerqueda takes the floor on stage and gives a position. The flags of the Elegebetera community fly on the municipal esplanade.

Later, the Wendy Guevara show arrives and closes Paulina Rubio, “the golden girl,” who dedicates the show to her mother. For many, the celebration is not over yet, because continuing the party is the perfect excuse to go to the emblematic disco “Spartacus” (a famous gay disco with more than 39 years of history in Neza). Usually rainbows appear after an intense storm, but for today this march caused the rainbow to precede the heavy rain.

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