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Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 17 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

In the anniversaries of June 17 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1821. The death of Martín Miguel de Güemes

Ten days after being wounded in combat, Martín Miguel de Güemes died, at the age of 36. Governor of Salta between May 1815 and April 821, he led the fight against the royalists. Commanding an army of gauchos, he stopped the incursions of the Spanish troops. Known as the “Infernales”, the gauchos of Güemes carried out a guerrilla war in the North. Güemes is the only Argentine general killed in combat during the war for independence.

1882. Igor Stravinsky is born

In Oranienbaum, now Lomonosov, the Russian composer was born Igor Stravinsky, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century. His ballets The Fire Bird and Petrushka They made him a celebrity. The premiere of his next ballet, Spring consecration, It was a scandal due to its breakup, in 1913. The work is considered one of the fundamental pieces of the last century. Furthermore, he composed The Song of the Nightingale, Pulcinellathe Symphony of Psalms, Symphonies for Wind Instruments and a violin concerto, among other works. He died in 1971.

1915. The birth of Boris Spivacow

José Boris Spivacow, emblem of book publishing in Argentina, is born. He was the first general manager of the Editorial Universitaria of Buenos Aires in 1958. Under his command, Eudeba achieved prominence in the Latin American publishing market. He later created the Latin American Publishing Center, one of the most important publishing labels. He suffered the confiscation of the CEAL warehouse during the dictatorship and the burning of thousands of copies. He passed away in 1994. In his honor, June 17 is Editor’s Day in Argentina.

1936. Ken Loach is born

One of the icons of political cinema is born: the English director Ken Loach. By The wind that caresses the meadow and I, Daniel Blake won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, with which He is one of the few filmmakers to have won the competition twice.. Land and Freedom, Carla’s song, My name is Joe, bread and roses and In a free world They are among the highlights of his production.

1962. Brazil, two-time world champion

Brazil beats Czechoslovakia 3 to 1 in the World Cup final in Chile and retains the title won in Sweden four years earlier. Both finalists had tied without goals in the first round. Garrincha is the figure of a tournament in which Pelé retires injured in the first confrontation with the Czechs and does not play again for the rest of the championship. The Brazilian consecration marks the last time, to date, in which a team wins two World Cups in a row.

1972. Watergate breaks out

Five men are arrested while installing microphones in the Democratic Party offices in the Watergate building in Washington. One of them, James McCord, is linked to presidential advisor Gordon Liddy and a CIA agent, Howard Hunt. Two journalists from Washington Post They investigate a police case that arouses no interest and discover an illegal espionage network fueled from the White House itself. The research of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward results in a book, All the president’s men, for which they received the Pulitzer Prize. Despite being re-elected by an overwhelming margin, Richard Nixon is cornered by the scandal that began with the arrest of the so-called “plumbers” and will become the first American president to resign. Much of the investigation is based on an anonymous source, presented as “Deep Throat”, whose identity will be revealed in 2005: the then number two of the FBI, Mark Felt.

1976. The murder of Paco Urondo

The poet Francisco Urondo is murdered by a task force of the dictatorship in Mendoza along with his partner, Alicia Raboy. Urondo, who was active in Montoneros, died when the car in which they were traveling was intercepted and Raboy has been missing since then. In the operation they take their eleven-month-old daughter, Ángela, who was left in an orphanage, where her maternal grandmother picked her up.. Born in Santa Fe in 1930, Urondo was one of the most important Argentine poets of the second half of the last century. Author of Old history, Brief, Places, Namesamong other collections of poems, in addition to story books All that and Touch. Also wrote a novel: The previous steps. Public The shot homeland, which compiles the testimonies of the survivors of the Trelew Massacre; and he was the screenwriter of the film Pajarito Gómezby Rodolfo Kuhn. At the end of 1976, the dictatorship murdered Urondo’s eldest daughter, Claudia, and her husband. Those responsible for the operation against Urondo and Raboy were convicted in 2011.

1992. Daniel Riolobos dies

The bolero singer Daniel Riolobos He dies in Mexico at the age of 59. Born in Mendoza, his career began in the late 1950s. He achieved great success at the continental level and is considered one of the best voices in the history of the genre.

1998. Goodbye to Gianni Lunadei

The actor commits suicide Gianni Lunadei, at 60 years old. He was born in Rome and arrived in the country when he was 12 years old. He excelled in theater, film and television. The cycle news desk gave him popularity in the 80s. In those years he was seen in films like sweet silver, Pinocchio and Dr. Cureta’s clinic.

2009. Fernando Peña dies

HIV victim, Fernando Peña, one of the revolutionaries of radio in recent decades, dies. He was born in Montevideo in 1963. He worked as an assistant at Aerolíneas Argentinas, where through the on-board microphone he improvised his character Milagritos, which caught the attention of a passenger: Lalo Mir. Thus he came to the radio, and achieved massity with a gallery of characters in the cycle The parking machine. He also published books and did theater.

2022. Jean Louis Trintignant passes away

Jean-Louis Trintignant, one of France’s greatest actors, dies. He was 91 years old. He rose to fame in 1956 with And God created woman, along with Brigitte Bardot. She was a counterfigure to Vittorio Gassman in Il Sorpassoand starred in the famous A Man and a Woman. The definitive consecration came to him as the judge of Zby Costa-Gavras, for which he received the award for best actor at the 1969 Cannes Film Festival. Then I would film The conformistunder the orders of Bernardo Bertolucci. He was the protagonist of Lively on Sundaythe last film by François Truffaut. Closer, she saw him in Rougeby Krzysztof Kieślowski, and in loveby Michael Haneke. Her daughter Marie was the victim of femicide in 2003, at the hands of her partner. She appeared in Argentina in 2010, with a poetry show.

Furthermore, it is the World Day to Combat Desertification and Droughtas provided by the UN.

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