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YPFB is ready to transport Vaca Muerta gas to Brazil

Transport gas

“Bringing gas, what is it going to do? It is going to bring more resources to all Bolivians, We are going to rent the pipelines so that gas can pass“said the president of YPFB.

Likewise, Dorgathen considered that, from a purely commercial point of view, the best outlet for Argentine shale gas, “wherever you look, is Bolivia.”

In this sense, the president of YPFB stressed that there are several projects in other countries to export gas from unconventional formation, but the “The most viable, the cheapest, which is already built, is the one in Bolivia”.

And he stated that the Andean country is now ready to rent its infrastructure and that it is up to Argentina to decide where it will export its gas. “If they modify their regulations to be able to export gas, they can choose the route they want,” he stated.

Dorgathen also stressed that Bolivian gas pipelines currently have a transportation capacity “quite spacious and very efficient”, and noted that they can even increase that potential through compression stations.

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YPFB offers its gas pipelines so that Vaca Muerta gas reaches Brazil.

YPFB in Vaca Muerta

The manager insisted that renting the gas pipeline to Argentina would mean more economic resources for Bolivia and announced that YPFB wants to invest in Vaca Muerta with the objective of “produce natural gas and take it to the Brazilian market”.

In this framework, Dorgathen said that there are several opportunities that open up for YPFB with Argentine shale gas. “It is something very good, it is something that will strengthen us and will allow us to bring gas to Brazil,” said the president of YPFB.

Logical and economical

In the same line, Alvaro Ríos Rocaformer Minister of Hydrocarbons of Bolivia and managing partner of Gas Energy Latin America, assured that the possibility of Argentina sending gas to Brazil using Bolivian pipelines “has become relevant in the current context“.

Ríos Roca highlighted the logic and economic viability of using Bolivian pipelines, which are currently underutilized, to transport Argentine gas to Brazil. “Not using Bolivian pipelines to transport competitive gas produced in Argentina would be totally illogical and uneconomical.”“said Ríos Roca. He explained that building new infrastructure along other routes, such as Paraguay or Uruguayana, would require much more time and resources.

“I believe that Bolivia must decide to put a rate on its pipelines, regulatory conditions conducive to transportation taking place. Not only in one month, but in five, six, seven, eight, nine years. We have idle capacity in most of the large gas pipelines we have transport around 55, going to 60%. And Argentine gas is arriving at the border in October We have surpluses in summer and some limitations in winter, “he added. .

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