Zoe sent Martín to the front, exposed his lethal strategy in Big Brother and left him in a very bad position: “He doesn’t understand”

Zoe sent Martín to the front, exposed his lethal strategy in Big Brother and left him in a very bad position: “He doesn’t understand”
Zoe sent Martín to the front, exposed his lethal strategy in Big Brother and left him in a very bad position: “He doesn’t understand”

After almost five months of isolation, the new edition of Big Brother It continues to be one of the most scandalous and controversial due to the constant fights and confrontations between the participants. Today, Zoe spoke without filter about Martin’s plans and Manzana reacted indignantly.

Florencia went too far with Mauro and Furia couldn’t control her anger in Big Brother: “I’m going to crush her like a cockroach”

Zoe exposed Martín’s strategy to eliminate Emmanuel from Big Brother

In x (before Twitter), a video began to circulate in which the 21-year-old participant is in the kitchen talking with Federico Farías and Florencia Regidor. The topic of conversation: Chinese strategy ahead of Sunday’s elimination gala.

Zoe sent Martín to the front, exposed his lethal strategy in Big Brother and left him in a very bad position: “He doesn’t understand”

Apparently, Martín Ku would have suggested that he do campaign against Emmanuelwith the justification that it is in their best interest for Furia’s greatest ally to leave instead of Coti Romero, whom the majority of the house prefers to see cross the exit door.

“He explained to me that Coti can go easily, but Emma and Furia can’t. Does not understand Why before we were saying one thing and now we say another,” Zoe began.

Manzana destroyed Martín for playing behind his back

Given this, Manzana could not hide her anger because her partner never told her that he was playing with the Corrientes. “He told you that?”, he asked at first. “And why hasn’t he followed everything we had talked about?” She added.

Zoe sent Martín to the front, exposed his lethal strategy in Big Brother and left him in a very bad position: “He doesn’t understand”

“He was the first to turn all that around. He, Nico and Bauti got them out of there. He was the only one who started playing (with Coti) and he never came forward to tell us what he was doing with her.”

“The whole house wants Coti to leave, everyone is after her and he is the only one who seems to be on her side,” he pointed out, to which Zoe commented: “He is not on her side.”. “Well, but it seems like that,” replied the ragpicker.

Who are the nominees in Big Brother?

At Tuesday’s nomination gala in Big Brother, the “all-seeing” owner of the house noticed some plots and annulled several votes. Likewise, yesterday Virginia, the leader of the week, brought up Zoe and took out Bautista. This is how the final plate was formed:

  • Coti Romero
  • Zoe Bogach
  • Emmanuel Vich
  • Martin Ku
  • Juliana “Furia” Scaglione

Florencia had a dangerous mistake in Big Brother and could be pregnant: “How are you going to name it?”

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