Psychologist Lara Ferreiro analyzes Miri’s feelings (‘Survivors 2024’) upon learning of her father’s sexual orientation

Psychologist Lara Ferreiro analyzes Miri’s feelings (‘Survivors 2024’) upon learning of her father’s sexual orientation
Psychologist Lara Ferreiro analyzes Miri’s feelings (‘Survivors 2024’) upon learning of her father’s sexual orientation

The contest that Miri Pérez-Cabrero (30 years old) is carrying out in ‘Survivientes 2024’ is giving a lot. A few days ago the cook stated that she felt “disgusted” when she learned the true sexual orientation of her father, something that has evidently changed over the years. For this reason, Lara Ferreiro, an expert psychologist in couples, wanted to break down all the details of these feelings to check if the evolution that has occurred in this sense is common.

The influencer is becoming one of the great protagonists of the reality show due to all the plots in which she is immersed. In addition to revealing certain aspects of her childhood, she has also acquired great relevance when it comes to create a coconut named Paolo, with whom he lets off steam on the beach and has long conversations. Without a doubt, a behavior that is also worthy of analysis by an expert, as is the case of the author of the book ‘Addicted to an Asshole’.

Lara Ferreiro analyzes Miri’s feelings in ‘Survivors 2024’

A few weeks ago, the former ‘MasterChef’ contestant received a visit from her father in Honduras. With him she had great gestures of complicity that demonstrated the great relationship they have. However, in conversation with her classmates she talked about how she knew that her father was gay. “My parents divorced when I was eight years old. The thing is that twenty years ago it wasn’t like it is now, I wasn’t old enough to understand it, nor young enough to not find out. I went to a nuns’ school where homosexuality was treated like a disease. I couldn’t even see him, I felt disgustand I found out from my friends,” she confessed to Pedro García Aguado about that time.

For the psychologist, it is common to have these types of feelings for different reasons, especially because it is as if a myth has been dispelled, especially at such a young age. “Maybe it’s not the result of my father not loving me that much, a fake because what my father really likes are men. That is to say, generates a lot of conflict in children and disgust is one of the emotions, there is anger, there is rage, there is fear…”, he explains. Naturally, over time these emotions are processed and evolve.

“These feelings are the result of several things. First, an educational culture shock and that is that she is in a nuns’ school where homosexuality was seen as something super dark. So of course this type of education it leads you to prejudices like that”, argues Ferreiro. “At 8 years of age, children when their parents have already divorced are not of a critical age and emotional and social development do not have the necessary maturity to fully understand issues as complex as sexual orientation,” adds the expert.

On the other hand, the author of the book ‘Addicted to an Asshole’ also talks about the prejudices of the environment as a fundamental aspect. “The initial feelings of disgust, anger and rage they change and evolve over time. In other words, in the end a personal growth that she herself has had, she has recognized that she admires and loves her father in a process of evolution and change of perception because in the end she has to understand what her father meant at that time,” says Lara Ferreiro.

Lara Ferreiro explains father and daughter relationships

For the psychologist, it is important to know the different types of relationships that exist between a father and a daughter. “The first is like a very loving relationship, where they admire each other. A healthy relationship where they share time together and then there is a very negative relationship that is another second type of relationship, where father daughter get along badly, with many conflicts. Another is more of a neutral type where there are cordial, correct and polite relationships but there is no such affection,” he analyzes.

The support that Miri and Eduardo provide each other is a symptom of this evolution. “They have allowed themselves to strengthen the bond a lot. The admiration between the two, a relationship of equality and affection, then makes it very enriching and it is a story with a happy ending,” details the expert. “If she does her psychological work, her father is there little by little and the mother too, because they maintain a neutral ground so that the daughter does not take a position on the mother’s side and she can make this family harmony arrives”, he adds about the resolution of this internal conflict.

Lara Ferreiro analyzes Miri and her coconut Paolo in ‘Survivors 2024’

From the psychological point of view, the contestant’s behavior presents three dimensions. “Her stamina and skill have demonstrated spectacular ability to adapt to adversity. You need acceptance and approval. And third, her emotionality and her passionate reactions and openness to personal issues,” explains the psychologist of the dating app Ashley Madison.

Miri “together represents a psychological profile of someone resilient which means emotionally resistant, that is, emotionally strong, expressive and seek connection with others and with the audience.” Paolo Lara is clear about the creation of the coconut. “It’s like dogs that don’t respond to you, but it’s very important because when you don’t talk to anyone, whether it’s your imaginary friend, whether you’re in situations of isolation… it’s going to generate oxytocin, which is the hormone of love, of bonding, even if it’s a coconut,” he explains.

“It can be a coping strategy to deal with stress and loneliness. In an isolation environment you have that need for connection and the coconut becomes a symbolic substitute for social interaction, that is super frequent,” he comments on the frequency of these situations in these types of conditions. “It can even maintain your mental health. When you are isolated, this social deprivation can very negatively affect your mental health, so it is like a comfort to interact as a defense mechanism to preserve your mental health,” he adds about coconut Paolo.

There has also been much debate about whether this creation is a necessity or a strategy. “It’s very strategic, it can also have both functions, there is no need to choose, it can be strategic and restorative. A monotonous environment because this is like fun and you keep your mind active,” she analyzes. Furthermore, he compares it to having a diary, in which you write to vent but knowing that no one is going to respond to you and, most importantly, no one is going to judge you.

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