Why Bill Gates recommends the Apple TV series Slow Horses

Why Bill Gates recommends the Apple TV series Slow Horses
Why Bill Gates recommends the Apple TV series Slow Horses

Gates is a fan of spy series. (Instagram: thisisbillgates)

Bill Gates often recommends books and television series to his followers. Recently, he shared some new tips through his Instagram and Gates Notes, his blog.

Gates said he was a big fan of spy stories, so he took the opportunity to recommend Slow Horses, a series of AppleTV. It is about River Cartwright, an exiled British agent who must face several challenges in a new mission: working in a completely administrative office.

Slow Horses is a British television series based on the series of novels written by Mick Herron. The plot follows a group of MI5 agents relegated to a low-prestige intelligence unit called Slough House due to their past mistakes.

Bill Gates singles out Slow Horses for being a spy series. (Photocomposition: Infobae)

Led by irascible boss Jackson Lamb, played by Gary Oldman, these slow horses work side cases but unexpectedly become involved in larger spy plots.

In addition to recommending Slow Horses, Gates recommended four books, which he said are ideal for the summer season.

“When I finish a book and decide what to read next, there is rarely a logical connection between the two. You could get to the end of a history book about the Civil War and then read a science fiction novel set in the distant future. The same goes for shows and movies: I lean toward whatever sounds most interesting at the moment,” he reveals on his Gates Notes blog.

Bill Gates recommends some books to spend the summer season. (YouTube: Bill Gates)

1. The contagious generosity of Chris Anderson

Gates emphasizes that Anderson has been the curator of TED Talks for more than twenty yearsallowing you to investigate how the internet can increase the impact of generosity.

Anderson argues that the definition of generosity needs to be expanded, noting that it doesn’t just involve donating money. He also mentions that it is crucial for individuals, governments and companies to reconsider their understanding of this concept.

The philanthropist affirms that, for those who want to contribute to the creation of a more equitable world but do not know where to start, this book is the right one.

2. How to Meet a Person by David Brooks

Gates notes that this book is more than a guide to improving conversations; offers knowledge to build a more connected and human life.

The Women is a novel that entertained Gates in his spare time. (YouTube: Bill Gates)

“One of Brooks’s key premises, which I haven’t encountered anywhere else, is that social and conversational skills are not just innate traits; they can be learned and perfected,” comments the philanthropist and businessman.

3. The Women of Kristin Hannah

The novel tells the story of a U.S. Army nurse who serves two tours on the front lines in Vietnam. Upon returning, he finds himself in a country convulsed by protests and pacifist sentiment.

“It is a beautifully written tribute to a group of veterans who deserve more recognition for the incredible sacrifices they made,” Gates highlights of this title.

Gates’ reading recommendations are often educational. (YouTube: Bill Gates)

4. Brave new words from Sal Khan

Khan, founder of Khan Academy, has been a pioneer in the field of educational technology since long before the rise of artificial intelligence, according to Gates. This book explores how AI has the potential to improve education.

The author states that artificial intelligence will transform both student outcomes and teacher experiences, and will help ensure that everyone has access to high-quality education.

Gates’ suggested reading list often includes titles that explore topics related to artificial intelligence, public health, economics, and engineering. Gates highlights works that promote continuous learning and offer useful tools to improve both professionally and personally.

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