“It was not an exchange” – GENTE Online

“It was not an exchange” – GENTE Online
“It was not an exchange” – GENTE Online

Unlike other editions of Big Brother, In this season, family members have been quite involved in the game of its participants. So much so that they are under the magnifying glass of those who closely follow what is happening in the competition and also outside.

María del Rosario Sosa Unzaga popularly known as Marisol, Martín Ku’s girlfriend experienced first-hand the hate on social networks in recent days. The young woman who has supported her partner since day one, received strong criticism after saying that she had surgery on her face.

It turns out that the young woman decided show your recovery process after undergoing rhinoplasty surgery (nose). In the images that she shared, she appears with the bruises and swelling typical of the aesthetic procedure and the comments about his physical change exploded, to the point of becoming a trend on the social network X.

In a talk with GENTE magazine, Marisol expressedor: “I feel great, it’s something that was planned a long time ago, a decision made years ago, so I’m happy to have done it,” cHe started saying. Regarding the statements of those who assume that Martín will not recognize her when she comes out, she was forceful: “He will not be surprised because he always knew that he wanted to do it to me, it will take him by surprise that I did not wait for him to just accompany me.” , she said unconcerned.

When asked about how she handles hate on social networks and especially on this occasion where they talk about her physical appearance, she said: “I don’t even answer them, I see few comments because I don’t use Twitter. And if they talk, I don’t care. It’s my topic. What do I do or don’t do? I’m happy and that’s all I need. The others are stupid,” said Big Brother’s Chino’s girlfriend.

Another of the most repeated comments is that everything was done in exchange, taking advantage of the popularity of his partner in the reality show, and he wanted to clarify: “It wasn’t an exchange at all. I paid for everything myself, with my savings, and my work. That’s something I’m always asked a lot about, cell phone, surgery, etc. I pay for everything with my work, that I also receive exchanges is another thing, but no one gives you a surgery, not even in exchange,” she concluded.

The Marisol phenomenon in networks

-How do you manage the exhibition?

– I try to handle everything with caution… The program started months ago and at first it was very difficult for me because although they gave me a hundred positive comments, I was only left with the negative ones. Until one person made me understand that people are always going to talk. They have said very ugly things to me but after I received that advice I take everything with grace, with humor and I respond with the best of vibes, even to those not so nice comments.

– Would you dare to enter another edition of Big Brother?

– I have fun and I like all this because I always liked the media, I always liked television, but clearly I never dared to sign up for Big Brother. I could enter but in a frozen instance or when they let some family members in to live together, I would love that to live the experience, but not as a participant. I’m very ashamed, I have a low profile, I’m a teacher, and that world has nothing to do with the media but I love it (laughs).

– Did Martín always want to be in Big Brother or did he apply impromptu?

– Look, the reason why I live all this with so much intensity is because I see Martín and I see a kid who is really fulfilling a dream. And when I say fulfilling a dream I don’t mean being on Big Brother, because in fact, for Martín it was never a vital thing to be on the reality show. But yes, he always wanted to be able to make himself known. Since he was little he said that he wanted to be an actor. He always wanted to be on television, so it was an opportunity to do it. Furthermore, I knew that he was going to be a great player, a potential player as we see him now.

-What do you feel when you see that everyone is talking about it, that it is a trend on social media every day?

– Beyond the result, whether you win or not, earning popular recognition is something that no one will take away from you. I live it with great joy and great pride, because I have seen it from the beginning, I saw it start from the bottom, rowing it. It’s incredible today to see him on TV, to put his name on the Internet and to have photos of him appear, it gives me enormous pride, and I think about the day he comes out and sees all that, because you shouldn’t even imagine it.

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