With ‘reality’ on regional television they will look for the best ‘gamer’ in Greater Santander

Until next June 7, registration will be open for those who wish to participate in this ‘gamer documentary reality’ that will be led by the TRO Channel.

Participants must be from Santander and Norte de Santander. 13 will be chosen from each department and will compete in competitions to achieve points.

If you are passionate about video games, consider yourself a ‘gamer’ and live in Santander or Norte de Santander, this information is of interest to you. Canal TRO will include in its programming schedule the first ‘reality’ about the so-called ‘gamers’ of Greater Santander, with the purpose of finding the best through a series of competitions that will be seen on the small screen.

David Carlier, director of the program, pointed out that the idea of ​​this ‘reality’ is to publicize the ‘gamer’ world that exists in the region and that, without a doubt, is part of an industry that includes players as well as professionals. as developers, creatives, programmers, even sponsoring companies and streamers.

To conceive the program, Carlier commented, the production did an investigation and realized that both in Santander and in Norte there is a culture around video games, so it is appropriate to bet on finding the ‘Athlete Gamer’ of the Great Santander.

And this industry is growing and is currently one of the most recognized in the cultural, creative, entertainment and technology fields that generates considerable income year after year for those who have dedicated themselves to this work.

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“Santander and Norte de Santander have several exponents that are worth recognizing in this audiovisual space, it is also important to start talking about this topic for the first time in the region and give recognition to a community that has transcended globally and in which its exponents are considered professionals in the area” commented Carlier.

To participate in this ‘reality’, applicants must register at the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUD8n8hju0mNMU0w3xhOXNusbwYloqOV-0ODEZro9Pi7yjfQ/viewform In addition, you must meet some requirements such as being of legal age, residing in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga or Cúcuta, being a ‘gamer’, having your own video game station, if selected you must have at least four days to record the chapter. , and if you advance to the final you must have two additional days for the recording of the final chapter. Record a 1-minute video showing the video game station and why you are a ‘gamer’ and the time you dedicate to the activity.

The winner, in addition to being known on reality TV, will receive a technological stimulus.

Additional information about the contest rules can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nTAj2RnhRlSzpCs9cKVu-OITECFvdoOf/view?usp=drive_link

In total, 26 of those registered will be chosen, 13 for Santander and 13 for Norte de Santander. The ‘gamers’ with the highest scores in the program’s challenges will face each other in a final battle to choose the first ‘Gamer athlete’ of Greater Santander. Whoever reaches the final stretch, in addition to making themselves known through ‘reality’, will be given a technological stimulus.

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