Amanda silenced Mariela after crossing in Win or Serve

Amanda silenced Mariela after crossing in Win or Serve
Amanda silenced Mariela after crossing in Win or Serve

Un cruce entre Amanda y Mariela Sotomayor se vivió en el último episodio emitido de Ganar o Servir.

La situación se generó durante el desayuno de los “señores” (actualmente “sirvientes”), cuando la periodista intentó hablarle a la institutriz subiendo el tono de voz.

“No me va a poder contar así”, la frenó Amanda. “Primero, baje el tono. En segundo lugar, respire y vote”, le respondió en frente de sus compañeros de equipo.

“No ha llegado la persona que me interrumpa y diga ‘¡Amanda, le tengo que decir!'”, dijo. “Lo que me tenga que decir, buscará el momento”, añadió Amanda.

La burlesca respuesta de Mariela

Apparently, Mariela Sotomayor did not like the governess’s interruption and chose to respond in a mocking manner. “Well, bring sweetener”Told him.

“You know, if it weren’t for the fact that it would be abuse, I would tell you, and I’m not going to do it…” Amanda responded. “Then don’t do it,” Mariela interrupted in the middle of her sentence.

“… Let him stop, because it is disrespectful. I have never left anyone without food in my life. “It’s in very bad taste,” the woman added.

“He found the opportunity to face Amanda but, clearly, there is only one person who loses and he is on the other side. Be very well,” Amanda said before leaving.

Once outside the dining room, Pangal Andrade spoke to his partner. “It’s just that you don’t you can ask Amanda. It’s that simple. “Amanda is the lady in the house,” she stressed in the chapter.

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