Death of a beloved character from “Like Life Itself” will shock viewers – Publimetro Chile

Death of a beloved character from “Like Life Itself” will shock viewers – Publimetro Chile
Death of a beloved character from “Like Life Itself” will shock viewers – Publimetro Chile

A possible death has been rumored for a few weeks among fans of the soap opera. “Like life itself”. Finally, as has been reported even by Mega, it will happen this week.

This was also evident thanks to a couple of scenes leaked on TikTok, in which The sad departure of Armando is appreciated, a role played talentedly by the actor Héctor Nogueraas stated on Page 7.

It is worth remembering that Marco’s father He has been progressively deteriorated by the Alzheimer’s he suffers, to the point that he barely managed to understand that his son would marry Bea (Carmen Zavala).

Despite everything, during the bride and groom’s dance, the man She reached a fleeting moment of lucidity and asked her beloved “Malucita” to dance, who was grateful for the gesture of having recognized her, regardless of the fact that it was only for a few minutes.

After an anthology evening for most of the characters, sadness will flood the history of Mega’s dramatic production.

In episode 261 of “Like life itself,” which the private signal will broadcast this Wednesday, It will be Marco who will be slapped in the face by harsh reality when he realizes the sudden death of his father.

The role of Andrés Velasco will go to Armando’s room at the beginning of the morning, but will find his body cold and inert.

“Daddy… old man, please wake up”will be the tearful plea, while Malú prepares breakfast in the kitchen.

Coca Guazzini’s character You will find yourself in this unfortunate situation, without being able to emotionally process that your great love took flight during the night.While sleeping.

In a moving scene, The woman will burst into tears inconsolably, and then hug Marco in search of mutual support.

“I have the consolation that he is resting now…”

In a later sequence, Malú and Marco organize to inform the rest of the family of the sad news, as well as to begin preparations for Armando’s funeral.

In a very emotional moment, she sits next to the role of Héctor Noguera. “Oh, Armando, you always giving me surprises, until the end. “I so needed him to say ‘Malucita’ to me once, and he fulfilled my wish, with dancing included.”he points out.

I have the consolation that he is resting now… I promise you that I will remember him every day with joy.. But God is going to have to help me because I don’t know how I will be able to live without you” sincere.

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