Miri Pérez-Cabrero breaks down after being expelled from ‘Survivors’

Miri Pérez-Cabrero breaks down after being expelled from ‘Survivors’
Miri Pérez-Cabrero breaks down after being expelled from ‘Survivors’

Survivors 06/10/2024 01:38h. Updated: 06/10/2024 03:34h.

Miri is expelled from ‘Survivors’.

A unexpected expulsion for the survivors it came to this Sunday gala of ‘Honduras Connection’ And, they were very surprised to find out in the palapa that one of the nominees was going to say goodbye to this adventure during the night.

Laura Madrueño He informed them that the palapa had been lit for something very important and the contestants were amazed to know the reason he was going to reveal to them. Sandra Barneda: “It’s not just any Sunday, the final of ‘Survivors’ is very close. Therefore, tonight, I have to announce that, exceptionally, it is expulsion night“. News with which they were left with their mouths open and everyone reacted to the news.

The reaction of the survivors upon learning that one of the nominees was expelled in ‘Conexión Honduras’

He duel for expulsion was between Miri and Arkano, after the rescue of Marieta and Rubén Torres during the night. She was very clear about “wanting to reach the final” although she claimed to accept the audience’s opinion: “I want to stay because I still have the same strength as the first day.”

Furthermore, Miri claimed that there were people around her who advised her not to participate in the program, but she listened to her heart: “At first I said no, but then I thought about what I wanted and that was to go to survivors, I have lived this experience as the real being that I am“. Meanwhile, Arkano claimed to be very happy because whatever happened was something that motivated him: “Honestly, if I leave after so long it will be a joy and if I stay too.”

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After confessing how they felt, it was time for them to Sandra Barneda communicate to them the decision that the audience had made, Arkano being the saved one and, therefore, Miri Pérez, the one expelled from ‘Survivors’. All the classmates got up to hug a completely emotional Miri, who was thinking about what awaited her outside, but very sad to leave Honduras and separate from them.

Laura Madrueño He dedicated some nice words to her with which he reminded her of all the good things she has given to ‘Survivors’ and she wished all the luck in the world to her colleagues, as well as singing an emotional farewell: “I love you a lot, you have a heart Huge everyone. I’m going to eat, I’m happy even though it doesn’t seem like it, I’m very happy and I want to thank everyone, the entire team, “It’s the best show I’ve ever been on in my life.”

“You have been a great survivor, when you made the decision to participate in ‘Survivors’ there were people around you who told you no and you decided that you wanted to live this experience, In life you have to pursue what you want“Thank you for following in your wake and for all the moments you have given us,” he said. Sandra Barneda and, after this, Miri left the palapa to end her adventure in Honduras.

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