Claudio Valdivia abandoned Win or Serve after a severe injury

Claudio Valdivia abandoned Win or Serve after a severe injury
Claudio Valdivia abandoned Win or Serve after a severe injury

Durante la noche de este domingo en Ganar o Servir, Claudio Valdivia abandonó el programa debido a una compleja lesión.

Este capítulo estuvo marcado por la competencia de mujeres, la cual estuvo influenciada por el retiro del hermano de Jorge Valdivia.

La salida sucedió cuando Sergio Lagos reunió a los participantes para comunicarles que, tras hacerse exámenes en su rodilla, el exchico Calle 7 debió dejar la casa porque está lesionado.

Claudio Valdivia y salida de Ganar o Servir por lesión

Regarding this complex situation, the contestant expressed: “Difficult and hard news. I would have liked to continue competing, but my health is my priority and I cannot continue“I don’t want to be a nuisance for the team.”

My knee and a chronic ankle injury make me abandon the competition. I wanted to meet Pangal again, I fought him, but I’m not in a position today,” the participant lamented, and then said goodbye to his colleagues.

Blue Mary was the last, and Claudio thanked her for being his support all this time. “You are tremendous person. Thanks and sorry“, he claimed.

After the departure of the former soccer player, the announcer he sat in the yard to cry lonely.

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