Has Big Brother come to an end? The data that set off all the alarms and worries production

Big Brother

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Big Brother continues to lose audience and what happens inside the house does not help: after Virginia’s recent elimination against Fury, A conversation between Juliana and her sister went viral, where the participant implied that the production had already given her the ticket to be in the grand final but they did not assure her that she would win.

We already know that she is the favorite and most pampered of Telefe due to the very high turnover generated by her fandom through telephone unifications, which encourage people who want to remove the most controversial participant of all Big Brother to also vote to support her opponent. Thus it becomes a vicious circle of million-dollar turnover for the coffers of the channel, which as we know is for sale and it is very beneficial to show these numbers for the future buyer.

Juliana Scaglione Fury vs Virginia Demo Big Brother 2023 hand in hand plate

Telefe Capture

But not everything is rosy. As we mentioned at the beginning of the note, The drop in audience is already starting to worry, something that shows that the entry of family members to stretch out the final was not a good move on the part of the production.

Mars at night, Perfect Escape He delivered 17 closed points and after two minutes, instead of increasing that number, which was common, it began to fall and reached levels of 14.3 something not seen before, since there was no sporting or special event outside of reality that attracted the attention of its audience.


Minute by minute spreadsheet from perfect Espe to Big Brother

Minute by minute spreadsheet from perfect Espe to Big Brother

Within the production there is a tense calm just weeks before the end as they hope it will obtain the same audience result as the previous season or, perhaps, a higher number. However, that remains to be seen since there are increasingly more “anti Fury” people than those who support the controversial participant.

In this way it can be demonstrated that no one has the cow tied and that television is a constant change, even more so when it plays with the viewer by manipulating the content of the program. The thing is that the faces are no longer the same as when they marked peaks of more than 20 points and floors that did not go below 18.

Big Brother 2023 Laura Ubfal Juliana Scaglione Fury Baby Reindeer

Telefe Capture

We must not miss that every time Furia is on the plate with a participant who can fight him on the phone, the rating numbers skyrocket since those who are for and against concentrate on that gala although we already know all the result of “the votes of the people.”

Years ago we complained about Dancing for a Dream by Marcelo Tinelli and In 2024, it continues to be demonstrated that the manipulation in these votes is being grossly adulterated, but so is the drop in ratings.

Will it continue to fall or will it remain at this level of numbers? We will only have to wait a few more days to find out if people no longer return or return to the screen with the hope of not seeing Fury in the final.

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