The Boys and the worst audience percentage of the series

The Boys and the worst audience percentage of the series
The Boys and the worst audience percentage of the series

The Rotten Tomatoes audience score for season 4 of The Boys becomes the worst for the Prime Video series

season 4 of The Boys It premiered to great fanfare, but hasn’t earned much love from its fans. Starring Antony Starr, Karl Urban, Jack Quaid and Erin Moriarty, the show explores the consequences of corporate superheroes and greedy companies. It is based on a comic by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, but it differs greatly from the original series. Season 4 premiered on June 12 and introduces five new survivors with powers that could fundamentally change the direction of the show.

Yes ok The Boys may have had a positive start, audiences have been less favorable with each successive season. The show’s popularity has been declining among regular Rotten Tomatoes viewers, but season 4 has had a surprising drop in audience preference. With a 59% audience score as of this writing, season 4 is the first in the show’s history to earn a Rotten designation. Critics remain favorable with a score of 95%, but the public response is surprising, considering its previous success.

The Boys

season 4 of The Boys It has the worst audience score of the series

Rotten Tomatoes audience scores tend to change quickly, so the Rotten title may fade over time. Still, it’s a bad sign for a show that has had consistent success in satisfying critics and audiences alike. The bad reviews of season 4 of The Boys are a dangerous sign, as the show has seen a decline in its viewership ratings since the Season 2 premiere. The first season had a score of 90%, while season 2 had 83%, season 3 took a steep drop at 75%, and season 4 is downright rotten.

Many Rotten Tomatoes responses indicate that the show has become too political, while others claim that the characters have become inconsistent and uninteresting. Many cite the writing as an indicator of the show’s decline in quality, while others cite no complaints except that the show is worse than before. Others, still, consider Frenchie’s romantic developments in season 4 to be a major problem, since her partner had never appeared on the show before this season. Some critics never provide any reason for their bad reviews of her.

Unfortunately, relying on the audience score of The Boys It could be a flawed strategy. Like many other shows before it, the series may be suffering from a barrage of criticism. The Last of Us famously had a massive criticism bombing campaign after deviating from the source material to feature gay characters, as they did The Boys. It also leans even more towards politics, which can cause some anger. With so many viewers failing to cite reasons for its failure, there is reason to believe that the show may be suffering from a barrage of criticism, which could explain its massive decline.

You can watch season 4 of The Boys on Prime Video, subscribe at this link.

The Boys

Tobi Oulego

My name is Tobi Oulego, I am from the city of Buenos Aires and I am dedicated to the creation of film and series content. Since I was a child I have been a fan of all geek universes, I grew up with “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter” but today I specialize my content in the Marvel and DC universes

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