How much did Julián Trujillo get paid in ‘The House of the Famous’?

How much did Julián Trujillo get paid in ‘The House of the Famous’?
How much did Julián Trujillo get paid in ‘The House of the Famous’?


The actor, who came in second place, won all the love and admiration of Colombians.

The The grand finale of ‘The House of the Famous Colombia’ was more exciting than ever and had millions of Colombians glued to the television to find out between Miguel Melfi, Sebastián González, Julián Trujillo and Karen Sevillano, what would be the winner of the 400 million pesos.

Finally, after millions of followers voted for their favorite, the content creator Karen Sevillano was crowned the winner, while the actorJulián Trujillo, came in second place.

The announcement of the winner took many by surprise, since days ago it had been rumored that the definitive winner of the competition would be Trujillo, since in recent weeks the ‘Galáctico’ team managed to getor a great fan base that swept the votes.

Despite this, this time the support was not enough and With 38.39% of the votes, Julián came in second place in the competition.

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How much did Julián Trujillo get paid in ‘The House of the Famous’?

Although the actor did not win the competition, he did win the affection of millions of Colombians who applauded his chivalry and great personality every day.

Before the reality show ended, the actor was honest with his housemates and admitted that He agreed to be part of the format because he was out of work and needed money.

“If I’m honest, I needed to work,” said the actor.

The actor was honest and said that when the production contacted him to make the proposal, he was in a difficult economic moment, admitting to others that they offered him a good payment.

“For that month of December in which they contacted us, I was in a difficult moment in which I needed to work (…) The financial offer was very good, they paid quite well. So I said to myself, why not? “Let’s see what happens and here we are,” he said.

Although he did not reveal how much he was offered for his participation, information has been disseminated on social networks in this regard that would reveal the supposed amount that the participants earn.

As it became known, not all celebrities have the same payment, since this It depends on the agreement that each participant has reached with the channel, However, the paymentIt was for each week of stay in the competition.

The exact figure is not known about Julián, but it is rumored that his salary It would be between $4,000,0000 and 8,000,000 pesos per week.

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