5 Young Adult C-dramas to get hooked on this summer

Stories of coming-of-age romances and friendships give rise to great dramas in which characters face the problems of maturity and a sea of ​​emotions they have never felt before. These stories also evoke nostalgia for wonderful days gone by. From childhood crushes to the passionate loves of adolescence, through the anguish of broken hearts, they are feelings that many can identify with. Here we bring you five youth dramas that will make you vibrate this summer.

“Lighter and Princess”

When Zhu Yun (Zhang Jing Yi) enters university, he has no idea that his life will change with the arrival of Li Xun (Chen Fei Yu). Zhu Yun has led a sheltered life and is not one to rebel. He studies computer science because that’s what his educator mother wants him to do. The mysterious and enigmatic Li Xun is a maverick genius who creates computer programs, solves technical glitches and is a programmer par excellence. Zhu Yun is attracted to Li Xun, who keeps her at arm’s length, although he is equally taken with her innocent charm. The two fall madly in love and dream of a future together, but it seems that destiny has other plans for them. Li Xun, who comes from a humble background, is also not liked by Zhu Yun’s mother because of a mistake she made at school. At university, the impulsive Li Xun once again puts himself in the line of fire for love. He is imprisoned and breaks up with Zhu Yun. They meet again three years later, under different circumstances, and although Zhu Yun still has affection for Li Xun, he does not want her in her life.

The scorching chemistry between Zhang Jing Yi and Chen Fei Yu is the real star of the drama. “Lighter and Princess” is a passionate romance between a bad boy and a good girl. The love story and the moments between the main couple are truly endearing. Zhang Jing Yi and Chen Fei Yu make this series a delight, even though it is long and there is a lot of programming time.

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“Hidden Love”

When Sang Zhi (Zhao Lu Si) was in high school, she fell in love with her older brother’s best friend, Duan Jia Xu (Chen Zhe Yuan). Sang Zhi, who openly displays her feelings, becomes infatuated every time he sees Jia Xu, who, although indulgent towards her, considers her her friend’s sister and nothing more than her. Sang Zhi decides to distance himself from Jia Xu and ceases all communication with him. Years later, Sang Zhi goes to college in Jia Xu’s hometown and meets him. And although her “hidden love” resurfaces, she tries to stay away from him. But it is Jia Xu who begins to pursue her and tells her categorically that he no longer wants to be an older brother figure to her.

“Hidden Love” is a beautiful coming-of-age love story in which a young girl’s childhood crush becomes the greatest love of all time. The adorable dynamic between Zhao Lu Si and Chen Zhe Yuan’s characters strikes a chord. “Hidden Love” will captivate you with the innocent charm of it.

“Exclusive Fairytale”

Xiao Tu (Zhang Miao Yi) and Ling Chao (Jun) have known each other since they were babies. Now, inseparable as high school seniors, the childlike innocence of those wonderful years has given way to something a little more complicated. The self-confident Ling Chao, not given to expressing his feelings, feels the first pangs of jealousy when he sees Xiao Tu become infatuated with a classmate and, later, a friend’s cousin. The quirky Xiao Tu, who adores Ling Chao as her friend, is surprised to see how his attitude towards her changes. Although both of their parents see them as the ideal couple, for Xiao Tu the idea of ​​a romantic alliance with her childhood best friend is out of place. Or not? As she finds it difficult to resist Ling Chao’s feelings, what unfolds is a sweet love story in which two best friends become lovers.

“Exclusive Fairytale” is a relaxed and light-hearted romantic comedy. The characters are likable and lovable, and there is no unnecessary drama, angry bullies, or mean girls thrown into the story.

Start watching “Exclusive Fairytale”:

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“When I Fly Towards You”

Zhang Miao Yi is the queen of teen romances. In “When I Fly Towards You” she plays Su Zai Zai, a transfer student who is attracted to the distant and cool Zhang Lu Rang (Zhou Yi Ran). Zhang Lu Rang is a brilliant student with a perfect academic record, but he never stops doubting himself. His mother, who constantly compares him to his little brother, makes Lu Rang feel that he is not good enough, and he stays away from people. Although Lu Rang seems arrogant and haughty, he is far from it. On the other hand, Zai Zai, bubbly and vivacious, adores Lu Rang. As she breaks through the many chinks in her armor, she also instills confidence in him with her optimism and cheerful nature. Although they have completely opposite personalities, they both establish a close friendship that translates into a significant love story.

“When I Fly Towards You” is like a walk down memory lane. The characters are close and strike a chord. While the story highlights peer pressure and hyper-parenting, which can have serious repercussions, the love story that develops between the two characters is soft and tender.

Start watching “When I Fly Towards You”:

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“A Love So Beautiful”

Love is hard, especially when you are a teenager in love. Jiang Chen (Hu Yi Tian) is the first in the class and, thanks to his attractiveness and his academic achievements, he is one of the most popular students. He is also the sole object of Chen Xiao Xi’s (Shen Yue) affection. The two have been neighbors, but Jiang Chen does not please Xiao Xi and even rejects her when she confesses. Xiao Xi is the last one in the class and everyone often makes fun of her for her bad grades. But she is a faithful and empathetic person, capable of doing anything for her friends. However, when Xiao Xi befriends a swimming champion who confesses that he likes her more than just a friend, you can see the first outbreaks of jealousy in Jiang Chen. It’s a classic case of “she fell first, but he fell harder.”

“A Love So Beautiful” is a light and typical teen romance. It rambles a bit, and some moments seem drawn out, but you won’t mind as much as the characters grow on you.

Start watching “A Love So Beautiful”:

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Soompier, what is your favorite C-drama to watch in the summer? Tell us in the comments!

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