The devastating survey that revealed who will be eliminated from Big Brother by an abysmal difference: “To the final”

The devastating survey that revealed who will be eliminated from Big Brother by an abysmal difference: “To the final”
The devastating survey that revealed who will be eliminated from Big Brother by an abysmal difference: “To the final”

Less than a month before the end of Big Brother, This edition will be remembered as one of the most scandalous and controversial due to the constant fights and confrontations between the participants. In the last few minutes, a survey came to light that advances who could be eliminated on Sunday.

What will the last nomination gala be like and what will be the final challenge in Big Brother?

The survey revealed the next one eliminated from Big Brother

Tonight, the five remaining contestants they nominated in the confessional and Emmanuel Vich, the leader of the week, saved Darío Martínez Conti. Then, the user x (before Twitter) @fedeebongiornoconducted a survey to find out who the fans of the program choose to leave the contest.

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With 63.9% of the votes, Nicolás Grosman was the most voted, that is, who the majority wants to eliminate from the contest. The one who follows him is Martín Ku, but due to the gap between the two, everything indicates that Nico should leave Big Brother this Sunday.

User comments were overwhelming. “Darío is in the final and I can reach mword”“I feel sorry for Nico, but we have to hand it over to him”, “Sorry Nicolás, but Bauti has priority”, “Right now they make a 3 plate? What a coincidence“, “It doesn’t matter who leaves, who wins. So neither fu, nor fa”, were some of the opinions.

Who are the players that make up the Big Brother nominees board?

  • Bautista Mascia.
  • Martin Ku.
  • Nicholas Grosman.

Notably There are four days left until the elimination gala and voting does not close until minutes before Santiago del Moro announces the results.

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For this reason, the last participants of Big Brother They must take care of their image and cannot let their guard down, since any attitude that is received negatively by viewers can change what the surveys predict.

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