Why does Karen Sevillano say that men are not people?

Why does Karen Sevillano say that men are not people?
Why does Karen Sevillano say that men are not people?

Karen Sevillano discusses how her teammates’ relationships made her reconsider her stance.

In the recent podcast episode of RCN Radio‘The chama and the rola’, Karen Sevillano shared intimate details of her love life and how her experience on the reality show ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ transformed her perception of men. The big winner of the reality show not only offered a sincere and raw view of her past disappointments, but also a new understanding she gained thanks to her teammates.

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“Man is not people”: Karen’s iconic phrase

Karen Sevillano, known for her openness and overwhelming personality, didn’t hold back when talking about her love experiences on the podcast. During the conversation, Sevillano confessed that He has been screwed many times in his life. This accumulation of infidelities led her to coin her famous phrase: ‘Man is not people‘. According to her, in her life she has found few faithful men, which has deeply marked her view on relationships.

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The transformation into ‘The House of the Famous’

However, Karen He also spoke about how his participation in ‘The House of the Famous‘ significantly changed his perspective. When living with his colleagues Team Papillaobserved something he didn’t expect: the men on his team were incredibly faithful and loved their partners deeply.

Examples of love and loyalty

During the podcast, Karen She highlighted two relationships that particularly impressed her. First, she mentioned Alfredo Redes and his family, highlighting the dedication and love that Alfredo showed towards his loved ones. Then he spoke of Panther and Claudette, another couple whose relationship also left a deep impression on him.

‘Seeing how Alfredo and Pantera talked about their partners and how they valued them made me reconsider my position on men,” Karen confessed. “I realized that there are faithful men who value their families.”

A new beginning for Karen Sevillano

Now that the reality show has come to an end and Karen has been crowned the big winner, everyone is wondering what’s next for her. Her experience in ‘The House of the Famous‘ not only gave her the title of winner, but also a new perspective on relationships and fidelity.

Karen’s future

Meanwhile, Karen Sevillano He continues to enjoy his victory and the new understanding he has gained about human relationships. The honesty of him on the podcast’The chama and the rola‘ resonated with many listeners, who found his words a source of inspiration and reflection.

The question that remains in the air is: Will we see Karen again in another reality show? With his charisma and fighting spirit, there is no doubt that, whatever his next step, Karen Sevillano He will continue to be a prominent figure on television and in the hearts of his fans.

Fountain: Digital Integrated System

Published: 2024-06-20

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