Sebastián Ramírez refers to the rumors about possible entry to “Big Brother 2” – Publimetro Chile

Sebastián Ramírez refers to the rumors about possible entry to “Big Brother 2” – Publimetro Chile
Sebastián Ramírez refers to the rumors about possible entry to “Big Brother 2” – Publimetro Chile

Sebastián Ramírez once again draws the attention of the entertainment world after referring to rumors about a possible participation in the second season of the Chilean version of “Big Brother.”

It was the same reality boy who, through a publication on his personal Instagram account, cleared up the doubts that his followers had about his return to the small screen.

There is a lot of talk about me entering reality. It’s a lie, I’m not going in!”“Tatán” clarified from the outset, adding that “I don’t want TV yet.”

“Thank you for the love, crystal generation, conylovers, thanks to channel 13 and CHV for inviting me to their projects. Grateful, but I need to clear my soul for a little while”, he expressed. “Keep watching weones (sic) fomes on reality shows“, hill.

What will the new CHV reality show be like?

Chilevisión is preparing the second edition of the reality television program, which will hit the screens during the second half of this year.

One of the changes that will exist is that Diana Bolocco will be the only host of the reality show, His former co-worker, Julio César Rodríguez, stepped aside. The casting will feature 10 famous people and 10 unknown people, and again the sessions will be live.

From Chilevisión they indicated that the agreement also involves DirecTV and Banijay Rights, and “there will be an exclusive channel for the 24-hour broadcast of the new season.”

Sources within the channel provided Publimetro with new information about the new season of “Big Brother.” With respect to The days that “Big Brother” will be broadcast will be from Sunday to Friday, The previous edition also ran at that time, but on Fridays it had an early morning slot where a party was broadcast.

An important modification of reality is that It will have games and competitions, which will be led by the entertainer Emilia Daiber, who will be the only person from the outside world who will enter the house. where famous people coexist with unknown people.

The losing team will have to live for a week in the basement in very poor conditions. passing skins. On the other hand, those who win will enjoy the comforts that the upstairs will have.

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