A luxury: two Latin music idols arrive this Sunday at “La Peña de Morfi”

A luxury: two Latin music idols arrive this Sunday at “La Peña de Morfi”
A luxury: two Latin music idols arrive this Sunday at “La Peña de Morfi”

Undisputed leaders of the Sunday ratings, Diego Leuco and Lizy Tagliani conquer the Telefe screen with the brilliant broadcasts of “La Peña de Morfi“, where viewers are happy with this new season.

As is usual in the emblematic weekend program, “La Peña de Morfi” does not disappoint and, for this new broadcast tomorrow at noon, it will feature great artists and interesting shows.

Lizy and Diego managed to be one of the most beloved duos on Argentine TV.

The house of music opens its doors to top figures and the highlight will be Mau & Ricky, the urban pop duo that Latin America fell in love with and have a good number of followers in our country.

Source: (YouTube Mau & Ricky Official)

In addition to the Montaner brothers, the cycle will welcome the talented Nahuel Penissi, who is at an unbeatable moment in his career, and Rodrigo Tapari, one of the cumbia phenomena of recent years.

The folklore quota of “La Peña de Morfi” this Sunday will be in charge of the great Sergio Galleguillo and accompanying Lizy Tagliani at the “la pulpería” table, will be Victoria Xipolitakis with all her sympathy. As always, there will be the recipes from the hand of Rodrigo Cascón, Felicitas Pizarro and Santiago Giorgini.

Source: (YouTube Nahuel Penissi)

An emotion forever

What will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most emotional moments of this season of the program has been the meeting that Diego Leuco shared live with his father, the journalist Alfredo Leuco.

In frame for Father’s Day, the host of “La Peña de Morfi“He paid tribute to his father by cooking him a provoleta, a dish that he loves, and read him a beautiful letter where he expressed his feelings.

“Thank you for inoculating me with the journalism bug, thank you for demanding that I fight with my head held high, thank you for teaching me how to make myself respected and for allowing me to share the field with you. Thank you for celebrating the goals with me and thank you for also hugging me when the goals are in against. Happy day, dad,” Diego read his letter, which moved Alfredo Leuco to tears.

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