face to face, Furia crossed paths with Ceferino Reato and Virginia

face to face, Furia crossed paths with Ceferino Reato and Virginia
face to face, Furia crossed paths with Ceferino Reato and Virginia

It all started when the journalist treated Juliana of a bad loser. “What happens is that whoever is eliminated must stop playing,” she replied mischievously.

The “furious” ones exploded with the first response and the protagonist took the opportunity to dedicate a dance to them, under the attentive and smiling gaze of Reato, who insisted again: “You still don’t know how to lose.”

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“I earned the love of the people. No participant earned as much as me. I can’t walk down the street”, Fury highlighted. “But they took you out with 62%,” stated Ceferino,

The thing did not stop there, since he later intervened Virginia to comment on the elimination gala that has the three “Bros” on stage; and Fury jumped to his jugular. “Panqueue”he crossed, while his former partner refused to answer him, in one of the most tense moments of the gala.

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