Martín Ku’s testimony about his emotions and the role of the psychologist in Big Brother

Martín Ku’s testimony about his emotions and the role of the psychologist in Big Brother
Martín Ku’s testimony about his emotions and the role of the psychologist in Big Brother

After having been eliminated last Sunday in the preview of the grand final of Big Brother 2023Martín Ku was invited to Cut for Lozano this Wednesday and revealed some details of his time in “the most famous house in the country.”

The thing is that Ku, who was left out of the final after having eliminated “Furia” Sacaglione the previous week, stood out for his temperance and temperament when it came to receiving the attacks of the most controversial participant in the house.

When asked by the host, Verónica Lozano, about her ability to not appear vulnerable to those outside the game, one of the members of the “Bro” group clarified that what was seen on the screen was not premeditated.

“At home I showed myself as I am. In other words, I am the same person here, as they see me, as I am at home. Obviously there are moments where one is more down, that’s why we have a psychologist, we can talk about it and everything,” Ku said when talking about the subject.

Given Lozano’s insistence on the matter, the former participant added: “There are always moments in the house… you saw that it is a roller coaster. It is lived with a lot of intensity, isolation plays an important role as well, not being able to talk to your loved ones, with your family, well, like – his girlfriend – Marisol.”

The house is a roller coaster. There were moments in the house where, well, the house could beat you and, nothing, you had to have that moment to talk to the psychologist. And well, those talks really helped a lot. “They came well, they came well,”

“There were moments in the house where, well, the house could beat you and, nothing, you had to have that moment to talk to the psychologist. And well, those talks really helped a lot, yes,” he expressed. “They helped me remember the objectives again. Because one understands the objectives, but one has to constantly remind oneself of them.”

Then, he commented on the only moment he cried during the program, which was when he heard the story of the dog Arturito. “The reality is that I always had many pets and it is something that really destroys my soul, seeing those things destroys me. They strike a chord with me,” she said of the animals.

“I mean, there are many moments when I am sad, like anyone else. I think I’m human. “I’m Chinese, but I’m human,” he later joked when talking about how he expresses his emotions outward. “I can feel it, I may be destroyed inside, but I’m not going to show it.”

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