factory workers will get a bonus for the success of the new perfume

factory workers will get a bonus for the success of the new perfume
factory workers will get a bonus for the success of the new perfume

Luis has arrived at the Board of Directors willing to give it better of Yeah to the factory. For this reason, he has proposed giving a extra to the employees for him success of Woman’s desires. In spite of the negative of Jesusthe proposal has been approved with success.

While, Begoña She is looking forward to seeing her mother. Therefore, to return to earn the heart of your women, Jesus has decided to bring her to homemaking both have a emotional reunion. HE will remain a lot time at home Of the Queen? Or will it be a passing visit?

AND Martha has spoken with Fine To leave clear what is wanted center in its marriageand who prefers to spend as much time as possible far away of her to avoid create more for him doubts to James. Will he be able to keep his word?

On the other hand, Damian has gone to the store to demand explanations to Carmen and Claudia after his accusations of heistbut these have planted face, and they have not left flatten for their threats. How far will the priest be able to go to achieve his silence?

But, to the joy of Claudia, Matthew finally comes back converted in priest. His passage through canteen is temporarybutWill it take longer than necessary?

¡No tea lose All this and much more in the last chapter of Dreams of liberty!

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