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Javier Milei eliminates the Telesur channel from Argentine television

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, eliminated the pro-Castro channel Telesur from the open television grid in that South American nation.

Diego Chaher, in charge of various channels and public content in Argentina, confirmed this in statements to the media La Nación.

“By this formal means and in exercise of the powers of legal representation that were conferred on me, for the purposes of exercising the power provided for in article 2.2. of the Collaboration Agreement signed on November 20, 2020, terminating it on July 1, 2024.”

Telesur is a propaganda machine of Castroism and Chavismo-Madurismo, and its intention is to counteract the message of freedom and respect for Human Rights in the world.

“TeleSur was founded by Hugo Chavez’s ‘Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information’ to destabilize democracies in Latin America. It is financed by Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Russia. “It’s time for the rest of the region to do the same.” reviews a Twitter thread by activist Agustin Antonetti.

“TeleSur is NOT a media outlet. There are NO journalists on TeleSur. The objective of TeleSur is NOT to inform. “You have to be very naïve to believe that a dictatorship like the Venezuelan one (where all non-state television channels are banned) seeks freedom of the press.”he added.

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Add to this that in Javier Milei’s Argentina the significant budget reduction of public media is notable, and this has an impact on staff salary reductions.

“The National Government has the firm decision and conviction to take care of the budgetary expenditure that comes from the taxes paid by citizens. This savings policy will also be implemented on Public Television, therefore, on holidays there will be no newscasts.”says a statement issued by the Argentine authorities.

On the social network X, several Internet users reacted to the news. The Cuban writer and poet Ariel Maceo Tellez recalled that Telesur has been based in Havana since 2020.

“From there they also help produce communist propaganda to keep half the world deceived,” he commented.

Artem Joyero Ukraine considered Javier Milei a “capo” for prohibiting in Argentina the transmission of Castro-Chavista propaganda from the infamous TeleSur.

“I hope that next week the Russian RT will also close and that it will finally break the bilateral agreement between Argentina and Russia that CFK signed in 2014,” he stressed.

In January 2020, the influencer Alexander Otaola denounced an official Cuban journalist accused of harassment on social networks, one of the many complaints published in Hola! Ota-Ola, linked to the Telesur channel.

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