Javier Milei shared the video of a band from Japan that imitated him with a cosplay

Javier Milei shared the video of a band from Japan that imitated him with a cosplay
Javier Milei shared the video of a band from Japan that imitated him with a cosplay

President Javier Milei shared an imitation of himself in Japan from the group Heavenese

President Javier Milei continues to have global impact. But this time, the impact took on somewhat strange and bizarre edges. A far-right Japanese musical band dedicated a small parody piece to him, in which he used his image with a critical message towards gender equality.

The video of the Japanese group, called Heavenesethe president himself shared it through his account on the social networkNeighborhood phenomenon“, he celebrated, repeating the catch phrase that he uses to highlight some type of international recognition for his figure.

In the sequence, a person is seen performing a cosplay with the usual look and clothing of the libertarian leader. “Outside!“, he exclaims in one of the lines of the song, alluding to the resource that the then La Libertad Avanza candidate used and went viral in last year’s campaign, to graph the adjustment of ministries that he would carry out in the State.

The video is a satirical sketch. According to Heavenese’s announcement, the message seeks to parody a “gender gymnastics” which the Japanese Milei watched on television, and which was broadcast on a public channel and debated in Parliament. Outraged by what he saw, the singing character launches a “counterattack” in the form of a reaction against “the insistent LGBTQ propaganda.”

Accompanied by a duo, in the sequence the protagonist outlines his own choreography, with symbols and images that reject ideas of respect for tolerance and gender equality.

Jeffrey Hallan academic from the Kanda University of International Studies and a specialist in Japanese nationalist activism, noted that Heavenese describes themselves as a “gospel unit”, which creates a “completely new musical genre”. “In this clip, one of them dresses up as Argentine president Javier Milei and sings that “there are 2 genders“, he explained in his personal X account. The researcher’s thread was also shared by the president.

On the official website, the Japanese group describes their performances as a “program of edutainment” (edutainment). In each presentation, they make interventions and discussions about “international news and current events that the Japanese media does not broadcast.” They also perform “social satirical parodies and sketches”, they invite guests and carry out “passionate talks that ignite the Japanese soul”.

One of the posts shared by Javier Milei

Regarding his songs, Heavenese made other more serious attempts at a musical level that vindicate themes of Japanese nationalism, among them, a song that celebrates the kamikaze pilots who died when their planes crashed into American aircraft during World War II.

Another of the axes that they questioned is the pandemic. They made a clip with the song “Covid is just a cold” (COVID is just a cold, in Spanish) and the parody “Rhapsody Crown”, in reference to the iconic Queen song. “Like many of her videos, she appeals to pandemic conspiracy theorists,” Hall noted.

They also address classic issues of racist and discriminatory groups of the extreme right internationally, such as the denunciation of an alleged plot by the co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gatesand the businessman George Soros to dominate the world, with the song “let’s beat up Bill Gates and Soros”. These are theories that point to both being part of a global elite, which aims to depopulate the planet.

“With an unwavering stance that creatively challenges the world’s lies and falsehoods, he has grown his live audience tenfold in one year. It is a rapidly growing and highly popular program. Here you will find wisdom, laughter and emotion!” says the official site of the controversial group.

Another image of the imitation of Javier Milei in Japan

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