Does the quality of coffee affect health? Experts reveal how much to drink and give tips to prepare it | Health & Wellness

Does the quality of coffee affect health? Experts reveal how much to drink and give tips to prepare it | Health & Wellness
Does the quality of coffee affect health? Experts reveal how much to drink and give tips to prepare it | Health & Wellness

Whether on cold mornings, after lunch, as an excuse to socialize after work or to accompany eleven, the coffee It is constantly present in the lives of Chileans. A product that can be found in most homes and has a consumption per person in our country of around 0.75 kg, according to figures from the International Coffee Organization.

However, despite the fact that signature coffee shops are on the rise, myths still exist around the properties of coffee and the possible risks of excessive caffeine consumption. In conversation with BioBioChile, experts in the area of ​​nutrition and barista point out the importance of quality in this drink, how much it is advisable to drink and what aspects to look for when buying or preparing it.

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The importance of good coffee

Being a drink that is prepared by infusion from the seeds of the fruit of processed and roasted coffee trees, coffee is a natural preparation that is characterized, within its properties, for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

This is how he explained it in detail Victoria Halabi, director of the Nutrition and Dietetics program at the Universidad del Desarrollo in Concepción, to this editorial: “The main components that exert such effects are phenolic compounds (caffeine, diterpenes, trigonelline and melanoidins) that, together with tannins, lignans and Anthocyanins significantly determine the quality, aroma and flavor of coffee. Another compound that shares these types of properties is trigonelline, which contributes to bitterness.”

In that sense, the professional clarified how people can benefit from these compounds. “Coffee consumption modifies the relationship between the main groups of intestinal microorganisms in favor of an anti-obesity profile. Additionally, a negative relationship has been observed between coffee consumption and cancer risk. “The phytochemical compounds contained in coffee may exert beneficial effects, including the inhibition of cellular oxidative stress and damage.”he pointed out.

With different varieties of this preparation and despite its natural nature, it is common to sell other alternatives as a coffee substitute in supermarkets and stores, however, the nutritionist emphasized the importance of quality.

“To obtain its benefits, we must consume good quality coffee (preferably grown without pesticides), not too roasted and preferably without any additives (sugar, milk, creams, among others)”asserts Halabi.

So, what should we look for when buying coffee? The teacher gave keys: “It is important to choose a product with 100% coffee, taking into account that most of the ground coffees that we find in supermarkets have added sugar.. It can be grain or instant, although you have to be careful when choosing them because most have sugars and some (instant) almost don’t even have coffee. Also, choose one with the least roasted grain because it will offer more nutritional contributions and do not contain added colorings, flavorings and preservatives.”

The risks of caffeine

Despite the large number of properties that coffee has, it is recommended to drink it in moderation and, preferably, after consulting with doctors in case you have an underlying illness. And in this drink we also find high levels of caffeine, a chemical compound or alkaloid antioxidant. which stimulates the central nervous system.

In that sense, the Penquista nutritionist weighs caffeine consumption and warns about the risks of consuming this antioxidant excessively.

It can cause insomnia, anxiety, rapid heart rate, nausea, headache, among other symptoms. In addition, toxic effects, such as seizures, may be seen.…Just one teaspoon of pure caffeine powder can contain the same amount of caffeine as 28 cups of coffee, and half a cup of a highly concentrated liquid caffeine product, the equivalent of more than 20. These are toxic amounts that can have consequences serious for health, including death,” Halabi points out.

Regarding the fact that caffeine has been associated with increases in blood pressure in non-habitual coffee drinkers, the professional clarifies that the antioxidant compounds found in coffee can counteract this alteration.

Furthermore, it emphasizes that leading a healthy life and staying away from other potentially toxic substances such as tobacco, alcohol, sugar or other drugs, is directly related to the possible damage that caffeine causes in the body: “Potentially adverse outcomes of coffee such as increased risk of lung and gastric cancer were found in people who also had a smoking habit.”.

“For healthy adults, the amount that is generally not associated with dangerous negative effects is 400 milligrams per day, equivalent to four cups of coffee. However, there is a wide degree of variation in how sensitive people are to the effects of caffeine and how quickly they metabolize it. In the case of children and adolescents, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against its consumption,” emphasizes the professor at the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Finally, Halabi highlights that “Caffeine, contained in coffee, also increases urinary excretion of calcium and oxalate, reducing the risk of lithiasis”.

Temperature, preparation and quality: expert recommendations

Already known the nutritional properties of coffee and its possible harm if consumed irresponsibly, the flavor It is another important aspect to consider in this drink.

As there are three types of beans (Arabica, Robusta and Liberica), different extraction methods and a wide variety of ways to prepare it, coffee has established itself as a product for all tastes, but what to look for when buying one in a restaurant or supermarket?

Aníbal Valdespenquista barista at Café Eleuterio and former MasterChef Chile participant, spoke with this editorial team and provided some tips for coffee buyers.

“If it is coffee to prepare at home, my recommendation is to buy from local roasteries; “The roasted grain has a shelf life of approximately one month and when ground, it maintains its aromas and flavors for ten minutes. However, in the supermarket the roasting levels are so high that they are not so pleasant to the palate.”Aníbal pointed out.

On the other hand, he points out that taste is in variety and that “it is important that each person search for the preparation and grain that they like the most, since they are different flavors and notes.”

Finally, Victoria Halabí also wanted to give recommendations when preparing coffee, emphasizing that the correct way to drink it is not to let it boil and filter it “so that the lipids (fats) remain in the filter that, otherwise, will become the blood”.

“Science indicates that coffee can be part of a healthy diet, the more natural the better. The ideal measurement to prepare a good cup of coffee is per 100 ml. of water, a tablespoon of roasted and ground coffee. (Approximately five to seven grams). “If these measures are changed, the flavor and quality of the coffee will also change.”he advised.

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