Javier Milei’s reaction to the complaint against Pedro Sánchez’s brother

Javier Milei’s reaction to the complaint against Pedro Sánchez’s brother
Javier Milei’s reaction to the complaint against Pedro Sánchez’s brother


After the Investigative Court number 3 of Badajoz opened investigation proceedings against David Azagra, brother of the Spanish president, for crimes of prevarication, embezzlement, influence peddling and tax fraud, Javier Milei reacted through x and launched a dart against socialism.

Socialism is always and everywhere a pyramid scam“, the Argentine head of state published on his personal account on the social network and continued with a quote from Juan Ramón Rallo, a Spanish liberal economist: “Socialism is parasitism masked as social justice.” Furthermore, he concluded with his typical phrase: “Long live fucking freedom.”

Javier Milei’s response follows a line of statements by the Argentine president against what he considers to be “socialist” policies in the world. On June 9, through xcelebrated the results of the European Parliament elections: “Great news arrives from the Old Continent. The new right has swept the European elections and they have put a stop to all those who push the 2030 Agenda, an inhumane agenda designed by bureaucrats, for the benefit of bureaucrats.”

But his confrontation with Sánchez began in the Argentine electoral campaign, in October 2023, when the Spaniard called to vote for Sergio Massa. Then, Milei retorted with outbursts and the differences were consolidated when the libertarian was already president. During his visit to Spain to participate in a Vox meeting in which he tried to accuse Sánchez’s wife of being corrupt, the Argentine president hardened his position and Spain withdrew his ambassador in Buenos Aires. Today, Milei attacked the family of the Spanish president again.

On Sunday, as the results became known in Spain with the victory of the PP, Milei called Sánchez in He passes in front of an armchair with two lions.

As reported ABC of Spain, Clean Hands, a Spanish union of public officials in Spain, filed a complaint against Pedro Sánchez’s brother after recording irregularities with his declared salary. Presumably, David Azagra earns an income of 55,000 euros per year as orchestra director of the Badajoz Conservatory of Music without holding said job and, at the same time, appears as a resident of Portugal and you do not have permission to work remotely. He is also accused of changing his address to avoid paying taxes in his native country.

In addition to the brother of the Spanish head of state, Clean Hands also implicated in the complaint Miguel Angel Gallardopresident of the Badajoz Provincial Council, already Alexander Cardenalhead of the legal support and inspection service of the Human Resources area of ​​the same organization.

For its part, this complaint is added to the one that Manoslíneas filed at the beginning of May against Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez. The Spanish First Lady is in the spotlight of Justice for alleged influence peddling in favor of companies contracted by the Iberian governmentas told by LA NACION.

On the other hand, The sixth reported that Pedro Sánchez’s entourage denies David Azagra’s illegal movements and described the accusation as a “false complaint based on hoaxes and fake news from digital tabloids”. “Before continuing with the proceedings, the court limits itself exclusively to asking the competent administrations for the appropriate reports and documentation to clarify the accusations of the far-right association,” sources told the media, who also anticipated that the “ impeccable behavior” of the accused.

Under the title “Tremendous advance of the new rights in Europe”, the President published on his personal account x a text celebrating the results of the election day of June 9 in the European Parliament. “The new right has swept the European elections and they have put a stop to all those who push the 2030 Agenda, an inhumane agenda designed by bureaucrats, for the benefit of bureaucrats,” the post began.

Then, he recalled his visit to the Davos Forum, about which he said: “we told them that if we continued on this path, the West was heading towards its extinction. The people of Europe have spoken and have revalidated our vision with their vote, despite the cries of local and international progressives, journalists and politicians who questioned Argentina’s new positioning to disguise its globalist intentions. Review those who vehemently attacked our speech and you will find there the representatives in Argentina of that disastrous agenda that today has suffered an enormous defeat.”

For his part, Javier Milei also highlighted that the West must recover “the flags that made it the most prosperous civilizing process in our history” and ended with a quote from José de San Martín: “A single man shouting makes more noise than a hundred thousand silent ones,” said General San Martín. Wow, we screamed.”


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