The main news from Israel and the Jewish world today 06/12/2024

The main news from Israel and the Jewish world today 06/12/2024
The main news from Israel and the Jewish world today 06/12/2024

Hezbollah fired at least 215 rockets into northern Israel, in response to the IDF’s elimination yesterday of its senior member Taleb Abdullah. As in previous days, some of the rockets and interceptions ended up causing fires in the region. For the first time so far in the war, the city of Tiberias was one of the targets of the series of attacks. Meanwhile, the Israeli army continued with air attacks against targets of the Lebanese terrorist group, including the rocket launchers used in the attacks. Benjamin Netanyahu held a security assessment with senior officials in the context of Hezbollah’s aggressions in the north.

On a visit to Qatar, Secretary of State Antony Blinken criticized Hamas for its response to the proposal for an agreement with Israel, indicating that some of the modifications it presented are not viable. Blinken assured, however, that Washington will try to close the gaps that still remain between both parties so that a possible agreement is finalized.

Hamas insists on seeking written guarantees from the United States regarding the ceasefire that the possible agreement with Hamas would entail, as one of its demands to be able to accept it, reported Reuterswhich cited Egyptian officials involved in the negotiations.

Under the auspices of the United States, IDF chief Herzi Halevi met in Bahrain on Monday with his counterparts from the Arab world, reported Axios. Military officers from the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt were present, with whom he discussed regional military cooperation.

An investigation by a UN panel accuses Israel of carrying out crimes against humanity in the war against Hamas in Gaza, including extermination. It also targets Hamas and Islamic Jihad for war crimes and the head of the investigation, Navi Pillay, assured that all those responsible must be held accountable.

Selection of news and script: Germán Gómez

Voiceover and production: David Crespo Neira

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