The Yugoslav mirage › World › Granma

The adoption by the UN General Assembly, on May 23, of a controversial resolution on the 1995 events in Bosnia Herzegovina, in which 8,000 people died, will open “old wounds” in the region and leave in the shadows those truly responsible for the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. This was explained to Sputnik by Serbian political analyst Stevan Gajic.

This is, once again, a manipulated and manufactured issue, in accordance with the interests of the United States and the West, which do not take into account that, in those years, the then Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was subject to a foreign attack. which led to its disintegration as a country, then formed by Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

The use of media warfare was a basic component, imposed from Washington and Europe.

Now, governments of countries very interested in offering their “truth”, fabricated about those events, brought to the General Assembly a draft Resolution to declare July 11 as the International Day of Commemoration of the Genocide in Srebrenica, which has caused a rejection both in Serbia and in a part of the international community.

Regarding this vote, and the way in which lies, half-lies and half-truths come to be imposed in a conclave – as necessary as it is misused –, I took my mind back 25 years, when, on a morning in July 1999, a called with a request to which I could not say no, he sat me down in front of the computer keyboard, to write the prologue to the Cuban edition of the book El espejismo yugoslavo, by the Spanish journalist and writer Josep Palau.

I had read the text in its original edition and was aware, through my work, of the history – often distorted – of what had happened in the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia.

Palau had died in 1997 and, therefore, a good part of that history was truncated, mainly that of the attacks by the United States and NATO against the Balkan nation, between March 24 and June 10, 1999.

The circumstances and foreign actors of these latest bombings had the same common denominator: a destabilizing media campaign from the United States and Europe, associated with creating matrices of opinion regarding a supposed ethnic cleansing, and the submission of European governments that acted under the aegis. US.

The bombings of Belgrade and other Yugoslav cities, for 78 days, were never consulted and much less approved by the UN Security Council. This entity was totally ignored by the president of the United States, William Clinton, and by the secretary general of NATO, the Spanish Javier Solana, the main authors of the criminal action.

From what Palau collected in his “Yugoslav mirage”, I wrote in the prologue of the Cuban edition: “… we can make sure how much hypocrisy is hidden in those who justified the actions as a solution to the humanitarian catastrophe, and not that these actions of foreign war were the causes of what happened.

“The author brings out, from the basements of misinformation and manipulation, the true objectives that were pursued with the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and who were the protagonists and main instigators.”

Palau shakes us when it describes what happened in the Republic of Croatia, then part of Yugoslavia, and presents us with the existence, there, of the Jasenovac concentration camp. It was created by German fascists, and houses the remains of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Gypsies, Jews and other ethnicities.

In Jasenovac, Palau explained, the largest Serbian city after Belgrade is located – underground –.

A few months after the presentation of The Yugoslav Mirage, in its Cuban edition, I traveled to recently bombed Serbia. I realized how right Josep Palau was, in his historical analysis turned into a book, and how much truth there is today when, in addition to the disintegration of the country, the United States has built the second largest military base in all of Europe in Kosovo.

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