The common mistake that makes us unhappy, according to a Harvard expert

The common mistake that makes us unhappy, according to a Harvard expert
The common mistake that makes us unhappy, according to a Harvard expert

Harvard’s Joseph Fuller identifies confusion of priorities as a cause of emotional dissatisfaction – (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The unhappiness, an emotional state that goes beyond simple sadness, has become a growing concern in today’s society. Their effects They transcend the individual, impacting the Physical Health and mentalthe relationships and even the scope labor. Recently, a Harvard professor has identified a common mistake that could be affecting your happiness and that could be the solution to this emotional state.

Joseph Fullerof the Harvard Business Schoolstates that Not understanding your personal and professional priorities and goals could be the cause of deep dissatisfaction. Fuller explained to CNBC Make It that many university students come to their classes with false expectations about how to achieve their goals and, By not being honest about what they really want, they end up feeling fatigued and frustrated.

Although it can be said that the happiness is subjective and can vary from one person to another, depending on their individual values, expectations and experiences, they are known to exist certain factors or habits which are usually common in people who tend to experience greater states of happiness, or, satisfaction with their own lives.

The connection between personal and professional goals is crucial for general well-being – (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Studies carried out by researchers from UCLA and the University of North Carolina support Fuller’s claims. According to these investigations, Having a clear purpose in life is essential to achieving greater happiness and satisfaction. In addition, a well-defined purpose helps us make better decisions and aligns our actions with our objectives. But, to get to this point, it is crucial to be honest with ourselves about what we really want and seek.

Fuller emphasizes that the disconnection between personal and professional goals can harm both personal well-being and success in work life. ensures that “We cannot be happy personally if we are not having a good time professionally”, underlining the importance of coherence between both aspects of our lives. Psychology also confirms that without happiness it is difficult to achieve success.

“Not knowing your priorities and not being honest about your goals can lead you to feel worn out and unhappy.”Fuller warned. According to his statements to CNBC Make Itthis lack of clarity can result in investing time in activities that do not add value to your life and in frustration for not achieving your true goals. The key, according to this professor, is to have realistic expectations and a clear understanding of what you want to achieve.

The search for a purpose is not limited only to the professional field, according to Joseph Fuller (Illustrative image Infobae)

The search for a purpose should not only focus on the professional field. Fuller points out that many people believe that a raise or a change of job will solve all their problems. “If you have unrealistic expectations that a raise or job change will solve all your problems or be exactly what you imagined, you could be setting yourself up for failure.”he pointed out.

According to research by UCLA and the University of North Carolina, having a clear purpose also translates into greater overall satisfaction. This purpose guides us when identifying our goals, helping us make decisions that are more aligned with our values ​​and desires. Honesty with yourself about what you are looking for is crucial to avoid fatigue and unhappiness.

In conclusion, the happiness It is not a destination, but a path that is built with honesty Toward oneself. Define our prioritiesso much personal as professionalsand establish realistic expectations are key to finding a purpose that guides our actions and gives us satisfaction. Ignore this need coherence in our lives can lead us down a path of frustration and unhappiness. The invitation is to take the reins, connect with our true desires and build a life that, although it will not be free of challenges, will be full of sense and welfare.

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