The first thing Noa Argamani asked when she was rescued

The first thing Noa Argamani asked when she was rescued
The first thing Noa Argamani asked when she was rescued

The first question Noa Argamani asked when IDF soldiers rescued her from captivity on Saturday was about her mother, said the Yamam soldier who commanded the team that found her, reported Arutz Sheva.

The commander told the Army Radio: “We came to save you, we came to take you home. The first question he asked me was if his mother was still alive. I said yes and she asked me, ‘Are you sure? ‘We told her that we were coming to take her back to her mother.’

Not25, was one of four hostages who were rescued in a daring operation in Nuseirat on Saturday after being kidnapped at the music festival Not going eight months ago.

The mother of Not, Liora Argamaniis terminally ill with stage 4 brain cancer.

In November, Liora He posted a heartbreaking video in which he begged to see his daughter one last time due to her terminal illness.

“Am Liora Argamanithe mother of Notthe beautiful girl who was kidnapped on October 7 by Hamas in Loop. Now I am sick with cancer, brain cancer. “I don’t know how much time I have left,” she stated.

And he added: “I want to see my Not at home. I call on the president Biden Yet the Cross Red: bring me Not as quickly as possible to see it.”

Liora She asked to send a message to her daughter in case she couldn’t see her: “Noa, I want to tell you that if I don’t see you, know that I love you very much. We did everything we could to try to get you out quickly. The whole world loves you.

In December, Liora wrote a letter to the American president Joe Biden asking him for help in securing his daughter’s release.

“I am terminally ill with stage 4 brain cancer. All that goes through my mind before I am separated from my family forever is the opportunity to hug my daughter, my only daughter, for the last time,” he wrote Lioraadding that she was “devastated” by her daughter’s situation.

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