Brazil, Mexico and ten other countries did not sign the declaration of the Ukraine Peace Summit

Brazil, Mexico and ten other countries did not sign the declaration of the Ukraine Peace Summit
Brazil, Mexico and ten other countries did not sign the declaration of the Ukraine Peace Summit

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenskiy, along with Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Swiss Federal President Viola Amherd, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Chilean President Gabriel Boric (Michael Buholzer/REUTERS

The Ukraine Peace Summitwhich brought together nearly 60 world leaders and representatives of some ninety governments, ended this Sunday with a joint declaration calling for that “territorial integrity” kyiv is the basis of any peace agreement that ends the Russian invasion, although twelve featured countries from the developing world and partners Moscow in certain forums They declined to sign the document.

Among these countries that did not sign the declaration are Brazil, India and South Africa -which are part of Russia and China of the group of emerging economies, known as the BRICS-, in addition to Mexico.

They also did not join the final declaration Armenia, Bahrain, Indonesia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and United Arab Emirateswhile 80 countries did sign the documentincluding those of the European Union, the United States, Japan, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. Türkiyewhich has tried to act as an intermediary between Russia and Ukraine, also signed it.

The eighty signatory countries made a joint call for the “Territorial integrity” of Ukraine be the basis of any peace agreement that ends the two-year Russian war.

The final document said thata UN Charter and “respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty…can and will serve as a basis for achieving a global, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.”

Viola Amherdthe Swiss President hosting the event, stated at the final press conference that the fact that the “vast majority” of participants agreed with the final document “It shows what diplomacy can achieve.”

Swiss president and summit host Viola Amherd (Alessandro della Valle/REUTERS)

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskywelcomed the “first steps towards peace” taken at the meeting, and affirmed that the joint communiqué remains “open to the accession of anyone who respects the UN Charter.”

Ursula von der LeyenPresident of the Executive Commission of the European Union, said the conference was “aptly” titled “Path to peace” because peace will not be achieved in a single step.

“It has not been a peace negotiation because Putin is not serious about ending the war. Insists on capitulation. “He insists on the cession of Ukrainian territory, even territory that is not occupied by him today,” he said. “He insists on disarming Ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression. “No country would ever accept these outrageous conditions.”

Analysts say the two-day conference is likely to have little concrete impact on ending the war because the country leading and continuing it, Russia, was not invited -for now-. Russia’s key ally, Chinawho did not attend, and Brazil They have jointly attempted to chart alternative routes to peace.

The meeting also sought to refocus attention on the war at a time when the Gaza conflict, national elections and other concerns have captured global attention.

The three themes of nuclear safety, food safety and prisoner exchange and return of children kidnapped by Russia were included in the final declaration.

The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Melonistated that they amounted to “minimum conditions” for negotiations with Russia, alluding that many other areas of disagreement between kyiv and Moscow will be more difficult to overcome.

The Prime Minister of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thaninoted a day earlier how his wealthy Gulf country had hosted talks with both Ukrainian and Russian delegations on the reunification of Ukrainian children with their families, which to date have reunited 34 children.

The White House national security advisor, Jake Sullivantold reporters at the tourist complex on Saturday that “it’s going to take work” and for countries to double down to take advantage of the efforts of nations like Qatar.

“It’s going to take the international community to focus on it, not just voices from the United States or Europe, but also unusual voices saying that what Russia has done here is beyond reprehensible and must be reversed,” he said.

The Ukrainian government believes that 19,546 children have been deported or forcibly displacedand the Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belovahas previously confirmed that at least 2,000 were stolen from Ukrainian orphanages.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajicdeclared at Sunday’s meeting: “As a father of three children, I am deeply concerned about the thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly transferred to Russia or the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine.”

“All of us at this table have to do more to bring the children of Ukraine back to Ukraine,” he added.

(With information from AP and EFE)

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