Cubaindustria 2024 also a tribute to Che

Cubaindustria 2024 also a tribute to Che
Cubaindustria 2024 also a tribute to Che

Havana, June 16 (ACN) The holding in this capital, from tomorrow Monday until Friday, of Cubaindustria 2024 opens certain hopes and expectations for everything that this event can contribute to the resuscitation of the strategic sector of the Cuban economy.

It will have a happy and symbolic coincidence with the celebration these days of the 60th anniversary of the founding, in Santa Clara, of the National Industry for the Production of Household Utensils (Inpud), by Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, in his then capacity as Minister of Industries.

They say that it only took 19 months to turn utopia into reality and inaugurate, on July 24, 1964, the modern factory, which little by little made itself felt with its products in the homes of Cuban families.

Today the demands and challenges are greater as are the obstacles, and for this reason the Havana Convention Palace with 10 congresses and a design forum, and Pabexpo with an international exhibition of Cuban industry, will host businessmen and representatives from 22 nations, such as Venezuela, Spain, France, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Namibia and China.

In times of enormous shortages of financial resources, energy, spare parts, raw materials and technologies, the reactivation of factories and workshops becomes more complex and this impacts the increase and diversification of production and services, the recovery of the country, in the quality of life of the population, without failing to recognize the contribution of innovators and rationalizers and the Youth Technical Brigades.

And in the search for solutions together with labor groups, it is also worth highlighting the role of non-state forms of management, universities and research centers, all of which will have participation in the multifaceted event.

Under the motto For greater complementarity, integration and international insertion for industrial development, Cubaindustria 2024 will take place, during which the signing of business deals, letters of intent and memorandums of understanding, and the exhibition of national and international equipment, technologies and designs are expected. foreigners.

Therefore, it will become a scenario to establish alliances or productive chains, and consolidate and expand existing ones.
The export of goods and services, the substitution of imports, the generation of income in the midst of enormous difficulties caused by the US blockade, are permanent objectives of the Cuban industry.

It contains a large part of the material resources that the country and its people require (from food, machinery, medicines, raw materials, household items, to name a few).

An example of the dimension of the event is the holding of 10 conferences at the Havana Convention Palace, dedicated to topics such as recycling, metallurgy, iron and steel, packaging, quality management and environmental protection, electronics and automation, fashion, furniture, air conditioning and refrigeration.

So Cubaindustria 2024, in addition to opening expectations and hopes, will undoubtedly be a tribute to Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, who did so much to promote and develop Cuban industry in the midst of an economic war from the revolted and brutal North.

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