Saint Thomas More: what is his story and what prayer to pray to ask for his help

Saint Thomas More: what is his story and what prayer to pray to ask for his help
Saint Thomas More: what is his story and what prayer to pray to ask for his help


He Saint Thomas More Day It is June 22 of each year throughout the world, including Argentina. This is considered the patron saint of rulers, politicians and lawyers by the Catholic Church. Furthermore, it is a martyr who was killed for defending his faith. In that sense, many wonder What was your story like?what led him to that tragic end and What is the prayer to pray to him on this day.

Sir Thomas Moreknown in Spanish as Thomas More, was born on February 7, 1478 in London, England. Born into nobility, he was a politician, humanist, lawyer and translator, according to ACI Press. Furthermore, it was known that he was a believer in the Christian faith: he frequently visited the Franciscans of Greenwich and spent a period in the London Charterhouse.

Image of Thomas More with his familyACI Press

In 1505 he married Jane Colt, with whom he had 4 children. After becoming a widower in 1511, he married Alice Middleton. He is remembered for having been a faithful husband and good father, who dedicated himself to the intellectual and religious education of his children.

However, he transcended history through his public and political life. He was a member of Parliament and held several diplomatic posts. At the same time, he wrote several books, among which stands out Utopia. In this work that he published in 1516, he addressed the various social problems of humanity. Thus he earned the recognition of all the scholars of that time in Europe.

This is how it caught the attention of King Henry VIIIwho summoned him to Moro to be part of the public administration and even gave him the title of lord chancellor. Over time, the two cultivated a certain friendship and a relationship of trust.

However, everything changed with the Protestant Reformation, by which Henry VIII He sought to repudiate his wife, Catherine of Aragonand marry again Anne Boleyn. Not receiving the approval of the Pope, the then king decided to make his own Church. For this reason, he himself confronted More, who was a great retractor of this initiative. Beyond the friendly relationship that both shared, there was the definitive break of the British crown with Rome and the emergence of the Anglican Church as a schismatic community.

Henry VIII was the one who accused Thomas More of treason for not supporting the Protestant Reformation

Faced with this situation, Tomás resigned from all his positions to defend the Catholic faith together with his friend the Bishop Saint John Fisher. Thus, Henry VIII ordered them both to be tried. Both saints, faithful to Christ, They were accused of treason to the crown and taken to prison. Months later, Fisher He was executed and, a few days later, St Thomas had the same fate and died a martyr on July 6, 1535. His festival is celebrated every June 22, along with Saint John Fisher.

In 1935, Saint Thomas More He was canonized by Pope Pius XI. Meanwhile, he was declared patron of rulers and politicians by Pope Saint John Paul II in 2000.

According to the Catholic news agency ACI Pressthis is the prayer to pray to Saint Thomas More and ask for help:

Glorious God, give me grace to amend my life and keep in mind my end without avoiding death, because for those who die in You, good Lord, death is the door to a life of wealth.

And give me, good Lord, a humble, modest, calm, peaceful, patient, charitable, kind, tender and compassionate mind in all my works, in all my words and in all my thoughts, to have the taste of your holy and blessed spirit. .

Give me, good Lord, full faith, firm hope and fervent charity, a love for You, far above my love for myself.

Give me, good Lord, the desire to be with you, not to avoid the calamities of this world, not so much to achieve the joys of heaven as simply out of love for You.

And give me, good Lord, Your love and Your favor; that my love for YOU, however great it may be, could not deserve it if it were not for your great goodness. Good Lord, give me Your grace to work for these things that I ask of You.



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