The ONLY country that has 2 nations within its territory: one is the oldest republic in the world | Italy | San Marino | Vatican | World

The ONLY country that has 2 nations within its territory: one is the oldest republic in the world | Italy | San Marino | Vatican | World
The ONLY country that has 2 nations within its territory: one is the oldest republic in the world | Italy | San Marino | Vatican | World

This European nation houses within its territories two states rich in history and art, famous for their peculiar sizes and antiquity. Photo: composition LR/College/Winlista

There are exceptional cases of countries within countries, also known as enclaves. Although these nations are within an external territory, they have sovereignty of their authorities and laws. All over the world there are 3 of them, of which 2 are within a State. Despite this, these territories have not been overshadowed, since one of them is the oldest republic that exists, while the other is the smaller.

This nation, which is home to two others, is famous for being home to one of the 7 wonders of the modern world and for its surprising architecture. In addition, it has a varied and acclaimed gastronomy, which will be enjoyed by some 65 million international tourists in 2023.

What are the only countries that have 2 nations within their territory?

Italy is the only country with two nations sovereigns within their territory: San Marino and the Vatican. Although both have been influenced by their language, they have different rulers.

San Marino

San Marino, with only 61 km² in area, equivalent to the size of the island of Manhattan, and a population of 30,000 people, it is considered the oldest republic in the world. Founded on September 3, 301, its name comes from Marinus, a Christian who escaped the siege of the Roman Empire.

San Marino is a country that can only be entered via roads through Italy. Photo: FinnsAway travel blog

This country has a particular governmental characteristic, since every five years its citizens vote for their Parliament, called Great and General Council. This body, in turn, elects two of its members as heads of state, known as captains regent, who are renewed every six months. According to historian Valentina Rossi, this is an idea taken from the Roman Empire at the time of the consuls. These are some characteristics of the country:

  • Surface: 61 km².
  • Population: approximately 35,436 inhabitants (according to the 2024 census).
  • Official language: Italian.
  • Government: parliamentary constitutional republic.
  • Economy: based on tourism, manufacturing and financial services.

Because San Marino It is within Italy, and since it does not have trains or airports, the only way to reach this State is by road. The most recommended route is to go to Bolognawhere you must take a train to Rimini and then take a bus that will take you to your final destination for only 5 euros.

San Marino has beautiful castles. Photo: Cameras on Route


He Vaticaneither Vatican City, is the smallest country in the world, located within the capital of Italy, Rome. Although it has some walls, it is free to access and you only have to go through a brief security check if you want to visit the Square and St. Peter’s Basilica.

According to the Vatican government, the country was officially established by the Lateran Treaty, signed in 1929 between the Holy See (the Church) and the Kingdom of Italy. This treaty established the State as a sovereign entity of international public law, separate from the Church, and was universally recognized as such.

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Photo: HELLO.

Besides, Vatican City It has one of the most visited museums in the world: the Vatican Museums. This venue has a wide variety of works of art acquired over the centuries by different popes. In addition, it has frescoes like those of the Sistine Chapelwhere the famous “Last Judgment” carried out by Miguel Angel. These are some of the most important features:

  • Extension: 0.44 km².
  • Population: approximately 764 inhabitants.
  • Government: theocracy organized as an absolute monarchy with Pope Francis at the head.
  • Basilica of Saint Peter: occupies 7% of its surface.
  • St. Peter’s Square: occupies 20% of the territory, making it the most urbanized in the world

What other country is within a different territory?

Lesotho It is a country located in southern Africa, completely surrounded by the territory of South Africa. It is located in the extreme south of the African continent, and its capital is Maseru. Lesotho is known for its mountainous terrain and high altitude, which has earned it the nickname “The Kingdom in the Sky.”

What are the smallest countries in the world?

  1. Vatican City: With just half a square kilometer, it is located in the heart of Rome and is an international rarity.
  2. Monaco: This principality is bordered by the French Riviera and is also exclusively urban.
  3. San Marino: another small European state with natural landscape.
  4. Liechtenstein: Although small, it has a greater extension than the previous ones.
  5. Andorra: Also in Europe, it is a tiny country.
  6. South Pacific Islands: Nauru, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands are examples of very small island nations.
  7. Maldives: in the Indian Ocean, it is another autonomous island.
  8. Grenade: in the Atlantic, it is another small island country.
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