the food that has more protein than meat

the food that has more protein than meat
the food that has more protein than meat

The lentils They are a type of legume, full of vitamin, iron and potassium. These foods also contain high levels of fiber and protein and are easy to prepare.

Many people include them in their daily diet thanks to their versatility, as they can be accompanied with rice, vegetables or add to salads.

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Scientifically known as ‘Lens culinaris’, could be beneficial for health. According to a study by the University of Texas Rio Grande Valleythey could reduce inflammation, provide antioxidants and have antimicrobial properties.



In addition, they are composed of more than 25% protein, which makes them an excellent alternative to eating meat. Nutritional content may depend on the type of lentils, but in general, one cup of these cooked legumes may contain 230 calories, 17.9 grams of protein, 15.6 grams of fiber, and 90% of the daily value for folate.

According to a ‘Healthline’ article, clinically, reviewed by the Dietitian and nutritionist Jerlyn Joneslentils could take care of heart health, since their consumption is associated with a lower risk of disease.

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A study of the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and the University of Medical Sciences, Shadid Beheshtiin Iranfound that eating a third of a cup daily, approximately 60 grams of this legume could raise levels of good cholesterol, HDL, and significantly reduce levels of bad cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides.



The study lasted eight weeks and was carried out on 39 people with obesity or overweight and type 2 diabetes. “Lentil consumption could have a favorable effect on serum lipid profiles“the researchers concluded.

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Similarly, this ‘superfood’ could lower blood sugar. If this is not regulated, it could cause diabetes, affect the pancreas’ insulin production, or lead to atherosclerosis, according to ‘WebMD’.

Lentils are rich in polyphenols and a study of the Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist Universityfound that this compound could increase early insulin secretion and improve insulin sensitivity.



Reductions in the dietary glycemic index are due to the presence of polyphenols in lentils that have been linked to beneficial health effects in metabolic disorders such as diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.“the experts noted.


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