The new ATF-60 “Lientur” high seas tug of the Chilean Navy participated in the “Almirantazgo Bravo” Exercise

The high seas tug and logistics ship ATF-60 “Lientur”, recently incorporated into the Chilean Navy, was one of the vessels that participated in the Almirantazgo Bravo exercise in the south of Punta Arenas. This 5,828-ton ship joined the force last October 2023 in order to increase logistical support capabilities for units of the fleet and island areas, to name some of the important tasks it performs.

This is a demanding training program, carried out by various units between June 10 and 14, whose objective was to strengthen the operational capabilities of the Third Naval Zone. As detailed by the military institution in a statement, security and operations training was planned for the exercises with the OPV 83 “Marinero Fuentealba”, the LSM 90 – “Elicura”, the LAM “Casma” and the aforementioned ATF-60 “Lientur”. .

In turn, units from the Southern Aeronaval Group participated, deployed through the N-56 Naval helicopter (HH-65 “Dauphin”), with the support of the “Punta Arenas” General Service Boat. A battalion specialized in operations from the Marine Infantry Detachment No. 4 “Cochrane” also saw action.

“This exercise is an example of the preparation of our units to face the challenges presented by this region and in particular this southern theater of operations,” mentioned the Commander in Chief of the Third Naval Zone, Rear Admiral Jorge Castillo Fuentes. “We reinforce not only security and efficiency in our operations, but also this is a demonstration of sovereignty and effective position in the southern region, ensuring that our forces are always ready to defend Chile’s interests in this crucial area of ​​the country,” he added.

The exercises included towing maneuvers, shooting training with various calibers (FAN shooting), maritime search and rescue, as well as air operations. The Chilean Navy also detailed that retraining and instruction courses were carried out in survival at sea, instruction and practice in demolitions, polygon management, fire fighting and breakdown control.

*Chilean Navy Photographs.

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