How to obtain a green card with Joe Biden’s new immigration decree?

How to obtain a green card with Joe Biden’s new immigration decree?
How to obtain a green card with Joe Biden’s new immigration decree?

With the intention of stopping the immigration crisis on the southern border, a few days ago President Joe Biden announced a series of strict measures against undocumented immigrants. But it wasn’t all bad news, It was also announced that in some cases it will be possible to regularize the status and obtain a green card. These are the conditions and requirements that have been made known so far.

It should be remembered that the Biden administration made the decision to close the border with Mexico if more than 2,500 illegal crossings were recorded per day. That It leaves millions of people without the possibility of requesting asylum.

Despite the measure, Biden He also shared new provisions regarding the regularization of status which, according to various experts, is the most important immigration announcement since the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was established during the Barack Obama administration.

Thanks to this announcement, thousands of families will benefit. But, There are conditions to meet and these are the key data:

  • The law came into effect on June 17.
  • It is applicable to all eligible married couples under the following criteria:

– Have resided in the United States for at least 10 years.

– Be legally married to a US citizen.

– Comply with all legal requirements, including not having a criminal record or deportation proceedings.

According to information released by the media Telemundopeople who meet the above requirements will have a three-year period to apply for the green card, In the meantime, they will be allowed to remain with their families in the United States.

Another advantage of this opportunity is that Spouses will also be eligible to apply for work permits for up to three years.

It is estimated that after this executive order Around 500,000 spouses of US citizens will benefit and 50,000 non-citizen children under 21 years of age.

It should be noted that the more specific requirements, including the costs to carry out this process They have not yet been made known.

Citizens can help their spouse obtain residency in the United States.


Spouses married to US citizens who will not obtain a green card

Although the previous benefit is good news for thousands of people, the reality is that The possibility of obtaining the green crad will not be available to everyone.

The benefit of facilitating legal status only applies to people who have been living in the United States for at least ten years.

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