The launch of Rb 12 Penguin missiles and bombs by the SH-16 and AF-1 Skyhawk of the Brazilian Navy is recorded

Between June 15 and 18, the Brazilian Navy carried out an important shooting exercise with live ammunition in a designated location on the high seas between the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Cabo Frio. The activity, called Operation “Weapons Launch II/2024”, included the participation of surface assets, AF-1 Skyhawk fighter-bombers and helicopters; highlighting the latter by recording the launch of two Rb 12 Penguin anti-surface missiles by the Brazilian SH-16 Seahawk.

Among the stated objectives of the activity, the Brazilian Navy listed “raise the level of military training and improve the effectiveness of weapon systems, firing at a surface target”. For this purpose, the participation of the Niteroi class frigate “Defensora”, AF-1 Skyhawk attack aircraft and SH-16 Sea Hawk helicopters was mentioned, which used as a target for their attack one of the old Imperial Marinheiro class corvettes, the which were decommissioned and put into reserve at the beginning of the 2000s, in the case of the ship Caboclo (V-19).

This unit was used as a soft spot as part of the simulation of a situation where a suspicious ship, operated by an extremist organization, carried out an attack against a Brazilian oil platform, prompting a response from the Brazilian Navy.

The Brazilian SH-16s had the opportunity to carry out the first shots of the exercise, when it was recorded that two helicopters launched two Rb 12 Penguin anti-surface missiles, which are part of their equipment. Subsequently, the AF-1s launched general purpose bombs and made passages where they fired at the Caboclo with their 20mm cannons.

Subsequently, it was the turn of the Defensora frigate, which had positioned itself in a previously designated location, being coordinated with the support of an AH-15B “Pegasus” helicopter, which also provided coordination tasks for the SH-16 and AF. -1. Ready and prepared, the crew of the Niteroi class ship began their attack using the unit’s main weaponry consisting of its 4.5-inch cannon.

Each Weapons Launch operation is very important to increase the level of training of the Squadron, naval and air-naval resources, ensuring that our weapons systems and equipment are perfectly aligned and prepared for any eventuality that threatens the security of our Homeland. . and the riches of our immense Blue Amazon“, expressed the Commander of the Operation Task Group, also Commander of the 2nd Division of the Squadron, Rear Admiral Jorge José de Moraes Rulff.

*Marine Photographs from Brazil.

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