What is dry eye and how can this diagnosis that affects a large part of the population be prevented?

What is dry eye and how can this diagnosis that affects a large part of the population be prevented?
What is dry eye and how can this diagnosis that affects a large part of the population be prevented?

It is estimated that between 5% and 40% of the population faces a condition known as dry eyes.which can cause considerable discomfort to patients.

From the Mayo Clinic they detail that this diagnosis “It is common and appears when tears cannot lubricate the eyes adequately”.

People who have the condition often face symptoms like itching or burning in the eyes, slimy mucus in or around the eyes, sensitivity to light, redness, the feeling that something is in the eyes, difficulty wearing contact lenses, and/or complications driving at night.

To these signs are added have blurred vision or eye fatigue and watery eyes, as a response of the body to the irritation of drynesslists the aforementioned medical center.

Although facing a case of dry eyes is not serious in itself, It is important that patients receive treatment from medical professionals. health and adopt preventive measures.

And although there are different reasons that could lead to this condition – such as certain diseases, the use of contact lenses or the consumption of some drugs, among others – The most common cause is malfunction of the meibomian glands..

This was stated to the BBC by the ophthalmologist at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, Parwez Hossain, who explained that They are located in the eyelids and are responsible for secreting the lipids that make up the tear film. and prevent its evaporation.

According to him, When these have problems functioning, “the tear layer can become unstable and disappear more quickly.” than expected.”

What is dry eye and how can you prevent this diagnosis that affects a large part of the population. Photo: reference.

What are the risk factors and how to prevent

The Mayo Clinic details that the main risk factors that increase the possibility of dry eyes are: be over 50 years old (from this age range the diagnosis is more common), maintain a diet low in vitamin A or omega-3 fatty acids, wear contact lenses and have a history of refractive surgery.

Along with it, The condition is more common in women. As they specify, “especially if they suffer hormonal changes due to pregnancy, use birth control pills or go through menopause.”

The Southampton specialist assured the aforementioned media that External factors such as dryness in the environment, wind, dust, and excessive exposure to screens can also influence.

Regarding this last point, he said that it is because When facing devices, the number of times you blink tends to be reduced, an action that is essential to clean the eyes and redistribute tears.

Furthermore, he emphasized that Blinking less speeds up the evaporation process of the tear layer.

As for prevention, from the Mayo Clinic they recommend:

  • Prevent air from blowing into your eyes
  • Humidifies the air
  • Consider wearing wraparound sunglasses or other eye protection
  • Rest your eyes during long tasks
  • Take into account the environment
  • Place the computer screen below eye level
  • Stop smoking and avoid smoke
  • Use artificial tears regularly

Medical treatments may include from lifestyle changes to the use of artificial tears or drops for the eyes.

It is worth remembering that It is always advisable to go to a health professional to evaluate your case. and the best ways to approach it.

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