Cuba advocates for unity of peoples at Celac forum (+ Photo)

Tegucigalpa, June 27.- Cuba insisted today on the importance of strengthening the unity of the people of the region and the leftist and progressive forces, during the II social forum of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.

The head of the International Relations Department of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), Emilio Lozada, stressed at the event that “the only thing that defeats imperialism is unity” and urged support for leftist processes at home and abroad.

“We do not conceive of countries with progressive governments attacking other countries with progressive governments. This is also a way of helping imperialism to carry out a campaign of domination against our people,” he warned.

Lozada called for the unification of all progressive forces and left-wing organizations in the world and recalled the fundamental role played by unity in defeating coups d’état in the region.

He pointed out that within a month an important battle will be fought on the continent, with the Venezuelan presidential elections.

“Together we will support President Nicolás Maduro in his sure victory, we will prevent right-wing forces from trying to delegitimize his triumph,” he said.

The leader also reiterated the Caribbean nation’s support for the left-wing processes taking place in Honduras and Mexico.

Lozada affirmed that his country will continue fighting despite its unjust inclusion on the list of states supposedly sponsoring terrorism. (Text and photos: PL)

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