Would you buy? Church in Mexico is selling land in heaven, asking $100 per square meter

Would you buy? Church in Mexico is selling land in heaven, asking $100 per square meter
Would you buy? Church in Mexico is selling land in heaven, asking $100 per square meter


The Church of the End of Times has sparked controversy after it was posted on social media offered land in the sky. The sale started at $100 per square meter but, over time, it has increased to $250.

Through its social networks, the church sells “lands” that Jehovah apparently authorized it to sell to the leader of this sect, the prophet Andrés de la Barra. According to this man, Those who buy these lands will be able to be close to Old Testament characters such as Moses or Abraham in eternity.

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Their publications suggest that those who do not have cash to purchase these “lots in the sky” can use their cards or virtual payments.

At first the image may seem like a joke, however, on his Facebook profile he has more than 7 thousand followers and has a profile where believers can download an application to subscribe to said religion and find a PayPal link.

With the subscription, people can not only purchase these plots of land but can also acquire other types of products such as “Bibles” with special content.

Apart from this, although there are people who attack the existence of this sect, in the comments they defend and treat those who attack said religion as blasphemous, there are even profiles of people who call themselves apostles of the End of Times and show books from the End of Times. The Times and they repost statuses from the official account of this religion.

As of today, according to the currency exchange rate, 100 dollars are equivalent to approximately 415 thousand Colombian pesoswhile 250 dollars would be close to 1,400,000 Colombian pesos. In one of his videos, the sect leader is shown returning to Mexico from a plane, where he would apparently be blessing his followers.

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