Aunt of a boy who disappeared 20 days ago in Argentina would have confessed that he was run over and buried | International

Aunt of a boy who disappeared 20 days ago in Argentina would have confessed that he was run over and buried | International
Aunt of a boy who disappeared 20 days ago in Argentina would have confessed that he was run over and buried | International

The governor of Corrientes, Argentina, Gustavo Valdés, pointed out in the last few hours that a great step has been taken in the resolution of the Loan Case, within the framework of the latest statements made by Laudelina Peña, aunt of the little boy who disappeared almost 20 days ago, in front of the Prosecutor’s Office, where he would have stated that the child was run over.

Let us remember that the disappearance of the five-year-old boy generated commotion and the arrest of three people, including the town commissioner. Loan Danilo Peña disappeared on Thursday, June 13, while eating oranges with friends and adults in a mountain near his grandmother’s house, and a possible case of human trafficking was even suspected.

Aunt of missing child in Argentina: he was allegedly run over and buried

This Saturday morning, Valdéz posted on his X account (extwitter) where he said: “Laudelina testified before both the Attorney General’s Office and the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Corrientes, and would have narrated how the events of the Loan Case occurred. Everything that has been done is being sent to the Federal Court so that it can proceed according to law.”

According to sources close to the investigation of the Loan Case, the aunt of the still missing child broke down this Friday night and confessed at the Goya Police Station that the former Navy officer, Carlos Pérez, and the former municipal employee, María Victoria Cillava, had Loan was run over and dead.

The woman presented a statement before the provincial prosecutor for six hours and admitted that she helped cover up the incident, but she was not detained.

This is the wife of Antonio Benítez, one of the detainees and accused as a primary participant in the case, who mentioned that the incident occurred in the woods and that the grandmother’s friend couple had run over the child with their white Ford Ranger truck, where traces of Loan were found.

Although she did not know in her statement whether the child was alive after the impact with the vehicle, Laudelina Peña reported that she observed how the couple loaded him into the truck, believing that they would take him to the hospital. Something that did not happen since no health establishment reported his admission.

Valdés, Patricia Bullrich and the search for Loan

The governor also indicated that he is in communication with the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, to “continue coordinating actions.”

“There is a beginning of resolution of this case that has shocked us all,” he added.

Without further details and with the argument of not hindering the investigation, he said in dialogue with TN that in Laudelina’s statement “everything was done within the judicial framework, with her defense lawyer present.”

“It is a step but there is still a lot to work on,” said Valdés. “It is an important and testimonial statement in criminal evidence. It is good to remember that she is not charged, but free, but at the disposal of justice,” he concluded.

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